This image shows the VisualVM screen with the Coherence DefaultCacheServer process tab selected. This tab contains the following sub-tabs: * Overview * Monitor * Threads * Sampler * Profiler * MBeans * Oracle Coherence The Oracle Coherence tab is selected. This tab shows the process name "Coherence DefaultCacheServer" and Cluster Information:cluster ( below the process name. The following tabs are present below this information: * Cluster Overview * Machines * Members * Services * Caches * Proxy Servers * Persistence The Persistence tab is selected. There are two boxes labeled as follows: * Total Active Persistence Space Used (MB): 0.00 * Max Latency Across Services (ms): 0 In addition, Collect Notifications is checked and there is a button labeled Clear Notifications. The two rows below show the following details of the two services: * Service Name: PartitionedCache, PartitionedTopic * Mode: on-demand (same value for both services) * Active Space Used on disk (MB): 0 (same value for both services) * Active Space Used on disk (bytes): 0 (same value for both services) * Average Additional Latency (ms): 0.0000 (same value for both services) * Maximum Additional Latency (ms): 0 (same value for both services) * Snapshot Count: 0 (same value for both services) * Status: Idle (same value for both services) Below the rows are two tabs: Storage and Latency Details (this tab is selected) and Notifications. The Storage and Latency Details tab shows the following graphs: * Total Active Space Used graph depicting the Total Space (orange line). * Latency Average Across all 'active' Services graph depicting Current Average (orange line).