This image shows the VisualVM screen with the Coherence DefaultCacheServer process tab selected. This tab contains the following sub-tabs: * Overview * Monitor * Threads * Sampler * Profiler * MBeans * Oracle Coherence The Oracle Coherence tab is selected. This tab shows the process name "Coherence DefaultCacheServer" and Cluster Information:cluster ( below the process name. The following tabs are present below this information: * Cluster Overview * Machines * Members * Services * Caches * Proxy Servers * Persistence The Services tab is selected. The three rows below show the following details of the services: * Service Name: PartitionedCache, PartitionedTopic, and Proxy * StatusHA: NODE-SAFE, NODE-SAFE, n/a * Members: 2 (same value for all services) * Storage Enabled: 2, 2, and 0 * Partitions: 257, 257, and 0 * Endangered: 0 (same value for all services) * Vulnerable: 257, 257, and 0 * Unbalanced: 0 (same value for all services) * Pending: 0 (same value for all services) The four boxes below the rows show the following details: * Selected Service: PartionedCache * Total Threads: 2 * Total Idle: 2 * Total Utilization: 0.0% The left pane of the screen shows two rows with the following information: * NodeId: 1, 2 * Threads: 1, 1 * Idle Threads: 1, 1 * Thread Util %: 0%, 0% * Task Avge: 0.0000, 0.0000 * Task Backlog: 0, 0 * Request Average Duration: 51.3778, 55.6273 The right pane of the screen shows the following tabs: * Thread Utilization (this tab is selected) * Task Average Duration (ms) * Task Backlog * Request Average Duration (ms) * Partitions The Thread Utilization tab shows the Total Thread Util % for PartitionedCache (the selected service) graph depicting the Thread Utilization Percent.