Class MultiBufferWriteBuffer.MultiBufferOutput

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, OutputStreaming, WriteBuffer.BufferOutput, Closeable, DataOutput, Flushable, AutoCloseable
    Enclosing class:

    public final class MultiBufferWriteBuffer.MultiBufferOutput
    extends AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
    The MultiBufferOutput implementation extends the AbstractBufferOutput to provide "pass through" operations to the underlying buffer if the operation is guaranteed to fit in the underlying buffer; otherwise, it virtualizes the operation onto the MultiBufferWriteBuffer itself so that the over-run of one underlying WriteBuffer will end up being written to the next underlying WriteBuffer.

    This implementation is fairly tightly bound to the super-class implementation; changes to AbstractBufferOutput should be carefully evaluated for potential impacts on this class.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiBufferOutput

        public MultiBufferOutput​(int of)
        Construct an AbstractBufferOutput that will begin writing at the specified offset within the containing WriteBuffer.
        of - the offset at which to begin writing
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(int b)
                   throws IOException
        Writes the eight low-order bits of the argument b. The 24 high-order bits of b are ignored.
        Specified by:
        write in interface DataOutput
        Specified by:
        write in interface
        write in class AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
        b - the byte to write (passed as an integer)
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] ab,
                          int of,
                          int cb)
                   throws IOException
        Writes cb bytes starting at offset of from the array ab.
        Specified by:
        write in interface DataOutput
        Specified by:
        write in interface
        write in class AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
        ab - the byte array to write from
        of - the offset into ab to start writing from
        cb - the number of bytes from ab to write
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writePackedInt

        public void writePackedInt​(int n)
                            throws IOException
        Write an int value using a variable-length storage-format.

        The format differs from DataOutput in that DataOutput always uses a fixed-length 4-byte Big Endian binary format for int values. The "packed" format includes a sign bit (0x40) and a continuation bit (0x80) in the first byte, followed by the least 6 significant bits of the int value. Subsequent bytes (each appearing only if the previous byte had its continuation bit set) include a continuation bit (0x80) and the next least 7 significant bits of the int value. In this way, a 32-bit value is encoded into 1-5 bytes, depending on the magnitude of the int value being encoded.

        Specified by:
        writePackedInt in interface WriteBuffer.BufferOutput
        writePackedInt in class AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
        n - an int value to write
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writePackedLong

        public void writePackedLong​(long n)
                             throws IOException
        Write a long value using a variable-length storage-format.

        The format differs from DataOutput in that DataOutput always uses a fixed-length 8-byte Big Endian binary format for long values. The "packed" format includes a sign bit (0x40) and a continuation bit (0x80) in the first byte, followed by the least 6 significant bits of the long value. Subsequent bytes (each appearing only if the previous byte had its continuation bit set) include a continuation bit (0x80) and the next least 7 significant bits of the long value. In this way, a 64-bit value is encoded into 1-10 bytes, depending on the magnitude of the long value being encoded.

        Specified by:
        writePackedLong in interface WriteBuffer.BufferOutput
        writePackedLong in class AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
        n - a long value to write
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeBuffer

        public void writeBuffer​(ReadBuffer buf,
                                int of,
                                int cb)
                         throws IOException
        Write cb bytes from the passed ReadBuffer object starting at offset of within the passed ReadBuffer.

        This is functionally equivalent to the following code:

         getBuffer().write(getOffset(), buf, of, cb);

        Specified by:
        writeBuffer in interface WriteBuffer.BufferOutput
        writeBuffer in class AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
        buf - a ReadBuffer object
        of - the offset within the ReadBuffer of the first byte to write to this BufferOutput
        cb - the number of bytes to write
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeStream

        public void writeStream​(InputStreaming stream,
                                int cb)
                         throws IOException
        Write the specified number of bytes of the specified InputStreaming object.

        This is functionally equivalent to the following code:

         getBuffer().write(getOffset(), stream, cb);

        Specified by:
        writeStream in interface WriteBuffer.BufferOutput
        writeStream in class AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput
        stream - the stream of bytes to write to this BufferOutput
        cb - the exact number of bytes to read from the stream and write to this BufferOutput
        EOFException - if the stream is exhausted before the number of bytes indicated could be read
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs, specifically if an IOException occurs reading from the passed stream
      • getOut

        protected WriteBuffer.BufferOutput getOut()
        Obtain the underlying BufferOutput.
        the underlying BufferOutput
      • hasRemaining

        protected boolean hasRemaining​(int cb)
        Determine if it is possible to write something of a specified length to the underlying buffer.
        cb - the length to write
        true if there are at least cb bytes remaining to be written in the underlying buffer; always returns false after the BufferOutput has been closed
      • adjust

        protected void adjust​(int cb)
        Adjust the offset of this BufferOutput based on a write that by-passed this BufferOutput's own super-class implementation that is responsible for maintaining the offset.
        cb - the number of bytes that were just written directly to the underlying BufferOutput
      • advance

        protected void advance()
        Advance past the end of the current underlying BufferOutput by switching to the BufferOutput of the next underlying WriteBuffer, creating one if necessary.
      • sync

        protected void sync()
        After traversing an underlying WriteBuffer boundary, or otherwise changing the offset significantly, sync between this BufferOutput's absolute position and an underlying BufferOutput's relative position.