Interface Journal.JournalConsumer

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void dedupe​(byte[][] aab)
      This method may be invoked by the Journal implementation to request that any immutable byte arrays managed by the consumer be de-duplicated.
      void evacuate​(long lTicketMask, long lTicketValue)
      This method may be invoked by the Journal implementation to request that the consumer evacuate a particular journal file.
      String getDescription()
      Format a String description of the Consumer.
    • Method Detail

      • evacuate

        void evacuate​(long lTicketMask,
                      long lTicketValue)
        This method may be invoked by the Journal implementation to request that the consumer evacuate a particular journal file.
        lTicketMask - indicates which bits of the tickets to check
        lTicketValue - indicates what bit pattern needs to be matched on the tickets in order to select them for evacuation
      • dedupe

        void dedupe​(byte[][] aab)
        This method may be invoked by the Journal implementation to request that any immutable byte arrays managed by the consumer be de-duplicated.
        aab - an array of byte[] objects for intern-ing byte[] references
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Format a String description of the Consumer.
        a comma-delimited key-value description of this object