Class WritingPofHandler.ComplexMap

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class WritingPofHandler.ComplexMap
    extends WritingPofHandler.Complex
    A ComplexMap object represents a map data structure (with uniform keys or with uniform keys and values) in the POF stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComplexMap

        public ComplexMap​(WritingPofHandler.Complex complexCurrent,
                          int nUniformKeyTypeId)
        Construct a ComplexMap object for maps with uniformly-typed keys.
        complexCurrent - the current Complex object or null
        nUniformKeyTypeId - the type identifier of the uniform type
      • ComplexMap

        public ComplexMap​(WritingPofHandler.Complex complexCurrent,
                          int nUniformKeyTypeId,
                          int nUniformValTypeId)
        Construct a ComplexMap object for maps with uniformly-typed keys and values.
        complexCurrent - the current Complex object or null
        nUniformKeyTypeId - the type identifier of the uniform type for keys in the map
        nUniformValTypeId - the type identifier of the uniform type for values in the map
    • Method Detail

      • onValue

        public void onValue​(int iPos)
        Notify the Complex object that a value has been encountered.
        onValue in class WritingPofHandler.Complex
        iPos - the position that accomponied the value
      • isUniform

        public boolean isUniform()
        Determine if the object encoding within the Complex type is uniform.
        isUniform in class WritingPofHandler.Complex
        true iff values within the Complex type are of a uniform type and are encoded uniformly
      • getUniformType

        public int getUniformType()
        If the object encoding is using uniform encoding, obtain the type id of the uniform type.
        getUniformType in class WritingPofHandler.Complex
        the type id used for the uniform encoding