Class Codecs.CollectionCodec

    • Field Detail

      • f_clzCol

        protected Class<? extends Collection<Object>> f_clzCol
        Class that represents the Collection implementation that will be serialized and deserialized into.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CollectionCodec

        public CollectionCodec​(Class<? extends Collection<Object>> clzCol)
        Construct a CollectionCodec.
        clzCol - the Class that represents the Collection implementation that will be serialized and deserialized into
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public Object decode​(PofReader in,
                             int index)
                      throws IOException
        Deserialize an object from the provided PofReader. Implementing this interface allows introducing specific return implementations.
        in - the PofReader to read from
        index - the index of the POF property to deserialize
        a specific implementation of the POF property
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs