Interface PofNavigator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractPofPath, SimplePofPath

    public interface PofNavigator
    The PofNavigator interface represents an algorithm for navigating a PofValue hierarchy in order to locate a contained PofValue for extraction, modification or removal purposes.
    Coherence 3.5
    as 2009.02.14
    • Method Detail

      • navigate

        PofValue navigate​(PofValue valueOrigin)
        Locate the PofValue identified by this PofNavigator within the passed PofValue. If one of the intermediate navigation values is null, return the null value immediately.
        valueOrigin - the origin from which navigation starts
        the resulting PofValue
        PofNavigationException - if the navigation fails; for example one of the intermediate nodes in this path is a "terminal" PofValue such as SimplePofValue