Class PofUniformArray

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PofUniformArray
    extends PofArray
    PofUniformArray is PofValue implementation for uniform arrays.
    Coherence 3.5
    as 2009.03.06
    • Constructor Detail

      • PofUniformArray

        public PofUniformArray​(PofValue valueParent,
                               ReadBuffer bufValue,
                               PofContext ctx,
                               int of,
                               int nType,
                               int ofChildren,
                               int cElements,
                               int nElementType)
        Construct a PofUniformArray instance wrapping the supplied buffer.
        valueParent - parent value within the POF stream
        bufValue - buffer containing POF representation of this value
        ctx - POF context to use when reading or writing properties
        of - offset of this value from the beginning of POF stream
        nType - POF type identifier for this value
        ofChildren - offset of the first child element within this value
        cElements - the length of this array
        nElementType - a POF type identifier for this value's elements