Interface Guardian.GuardContext

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Guardian.GuardContext
    A GuardContext represents the lifecycle status of a Guardable. The GuardContext is the point of coordination between the Guardian and the Guardable.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int STATE_HEALTHY
      State value indicating the Guardable is healthy/responsive.
      static int STATE_RECOVERY
      State value indicating that recovery of the Guardable is underway.
      static int STATE_TERMINATING
      State value indicating that the Guardable is being terminated.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Guardable getGuardable()
      Return the Guardable for this context.
      Guardian getGuardian()
      Return the Guardian for this context.
      long getSoftTimeoutMillis()
      Return the soft timeout interval for the represented Guardable.
      int getState()
      Return the state of the Guardable.
      long getTimeoutMillis()
      Return the hard timeout interval for the represented Guardable.
      void heartbeat()
      Called by the Guardable to signal that it is still alive.
      void heartbeat​(long cMillis)
      Called by the Guardable to signal that it is still alive, and that it should not be considered timed out for the specified number of milliseconds.
      void release()
      Release this context, causing the Guardian to discontinue monitoring of the represented Guardable.
    • Field Detail


        static final int STATE_HEALTHY
        State value indicating the Guardable is healthy/responsive.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATE_RECOVERY
        State value indicating that recovery of the Guardable is underway.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATE_TERMINATING
        State value indicating that the Guardable is being terminated.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getGuardian

        Guardian getGuardian()
        Return the Guardian for this context.
        the Guardian for this context
      • getGuardable

        Guardable getGuardable()
        Return the Guardable for this context.
        the Guardable for this context
      • heartbeat

        void heartbeat()
        Called by the Guardable to signal that it is still alive.
      • heartbeat

        void heartbeat​(long cMillis)
        Called by the Guardable to signal that it is still alive, and that it should not be considered timed out for the specified number of milliseconds.
        cMillis - the number of milliseconds for which the guardable should not be considered timed out
      • getState

        int getState()
        Return the state of the Guardable. Valid values are STATE_* constants.
        the state of the Guardable
      • release

        void release()
        Release this context, causing the Guardian to discontinue monitoring of the represented Guardable.
      • getSoftTimeoutMillis

        long getSoftTimeoutMillis()
        Return the soft timeout interval for the represented Guardable.

        The soft timeout interval is the amount of time that must pass after the last received heartbeat before a recovery attempt is made.

        the soft timeout interval for the represented Guardable
      • getTimeoutMillis

        long getTimeoutMillis()
        Return the hard timeout interval for the represented Guardable.
        the hard timeout interval for the represented Guardable