Class InetAddressHelper.SubnetMaskFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • SubnetMaskFilter

        public SubnetMaskFilter​(InetAddress addrPattern,
                                InetAddress addrMask)
        Construct a SubnetMaskFilter for the given pattern and mask.
        addrPattern - the pattern to match
        addrMask - the mask identifying the portion of the pattern to match
      • SubnetMaskFilter

        public SubnetMaskFilter​(InetAddress addrPattern,
                                int cMaskBits)
        Construct a SubnetMaskFilter for the given pattern and mask bit count.
        addrPattern - the pattern to match
        cMaskBits - the number of mask bits
      • SubnetMaskFilter

        public SubnetMaskFilter​(String sAddr)
        Construct a SubnetMaskFilter for the given pattern and slash mask.
        sAddr - the pattern and mask
        See Also:
        CIDR Notation