Interface MemberListener

    • Method Detail

      • memberJoined

        void memberJoined​(MemberEvent evt)
        Invoked when a Member has joined the service.

        Note: this event could be called during the service restart on the local node (evt.isLocal()) in which case the listener's code should not attempt to use any clustered cache or service functionality.

        The most critical situation arises when a number of threads are waiting for a local service restart, being blocked by a Service object synchronization monitor. Since the Joined event should be fired only once, it is called on an event dispatcher thread while holding a synchronization monitor. An attempt to use other clustered service functionality during this local event notification may result in a deadlock.

        evt - the MemberEvent.MEMBER_JOINED event
      • memberLeaving

        void memberLeaving​(MemberEvent evt)
        Invoked when a Member is leaving the service.
        evt - the MemberEvent.MEMBER_LEAVING event
      • memberLeft

        void memberLeft​(MemberEvent evt)
        Invoked when a Member has left the service.

        Note: this event could be called during the service restart on the local node (evt.isLocal()) in which case the listener's code should not attempt to use any clustered cache or service functionality.

        evt - the MemberEvent.MEMBER_LEFT event