Class PartitionedService.PartitionRecoveryAction

    • Field Detail

      • m_partsOrphan

        protected PartitionSet m_partsOrphan
        The set of orphaned partitions.
      • m_infoQuorum

        protected m_infoQuorum
        The "last good" service membership.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PartitionRecoveryAction

        public PartitionRecoveryAction​(PartitionSet partsOrphan,
                                       GUIDHelper.GUIDResolver resolver,
        Construct a PartitionRecoveryAction for the specified partitions, GUID resolver and the "last good" membership info.
        partsOrphan - the set of orphaned partitions
        resolver - the GUID resolver
        infoQuorum - the "last good" membership info
    • Method Detail

      • getOrphanedPartitions

        public PartitionSet getOrphanedPartitions()
        Return the set of orphaned partitions.
        the set of orphaned partitions
      • getQuorumInfo

        public getQuorumInfo()
        Return the "last good" service membership info.
        the "last good" service membership