Class ServiceStoppedException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ServiceStoppedException
    extends IllegalStateException
    Signals that a request was not able to execute because the underlying service has been stopped.
    Coherence 12.1.3
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceStoppedException

        public ServiceStoppedException()
        Constructs a ServiceStoppedException with no detail message.
      • ServiceStoppedException

        public ServiceStoppedException​(String s)
        Constructs a ServiceStoppedException with the specified detail message.
        s - the String that contains a detailed message
      • ServiceStoppedException

        public ServiceStoppedException​(Throwable e)
        Construct a ServiceStoppedException from a Throwable object.
        e - the Throwable object
      • ServiceStoppedException

        public ServiceStoppedException​(String s,
                                       Throwable e)
        Construct a ServiceStoppedException from a Throwable object and an additional description.
        s - the additional description
        e - the Throwable object