Class AbstractBinaryEntryBundler

  • public abstract class AbstractBinaryEntryBundler
    extends AbstractBundler
    An abstract BinaryEntry-based bundler that serves as a base for BinaryEntryStore operation bundling.
    Coherence 3.7
    tb 2011.01.06
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBinaryEntryBundler

        public AbstractBinaryEntryBundler()
    • Method Detail

      • process

        protected void process​(BinaryEntry binEntry)
        Process the specified binary entry in a most optimal way according to the bundle settings.
        binEntry - the binary entry
      • processAll

        protected void processAll​(Set set)
        Process a collection of binary entries in a most optimal way according to the bundle settings.
        set - the set of binary entries to process
      • bundle

        protected abstract void bundle​(Set setEntries)
        The bundle operation to be performed against a collected set of binary entries by the concrete AbstractEntryBundler implementations. If an exception occurs during bundle operation, it will be repeated using singleton maps.
        setEntries - a set of binary entries to perform the bundled operation for
      • unbundle

        protected abstract void unbundle​(BinaryEntry binEntry)
        Un-bundle bundled operation. This opeartion would be used if an exception occurs during bundle operation or if the number of active threads is below the ThreadThreshold value.
        binEntry - a binary entry to perform the un-bundled operation for