Class BlindCompactSerializationCache

    • Constructor Detail

      • BlindCompactSerializationCache

        public BlindCompactSerializationCache​(BinaryStoreManager mgr,
                                              ClassLoader loader)
        Construct a BlindCompactSerializationCache using the specified BinaryStoreManager and classloader.
        mgr - the BinaryStoreManager to use to create the BinaryStore
        loader - the ClassLoader to use for deserialization
      • BlindCompactSerializationCache

        public BlindCompactSerializationCache​(BinaryStoreManager mgr,
                                              boolean fBinary)
        Construct a BlindCompactSerializationCache using the specified BinaryStoreManager, optionally storing only Binary keys and values
        mgr - the BinaryStoreManager to use to create the BinaryStore
        fBinary - true iff only Binary keys and values are to be stored
      • BlindCompactSerializationCache

        protected BlindCompactSerializationCache​(BinaryStoreManager mgr,
                                                 ClassLoader loader,
                                                 boolean fBinary)
        Construct a BlindCompactSerializationCache using the specified BinaryStoreManager.
        mgr - the BinaryStoreManager to use to create the BinaryStore
        loader - the ClassLoader to use for deserialization
        fBinary - true iff only Binary keys and values are to be stored
    • Method Detail

      • isBlind

        public boolean isBlind()
        Return whether this CompactSerializationCache instance is in blind mode. Blind mode allows this Map implementation to forgo the often costly parts of the Map API, in particular returning the previous value for both remove and put operations.
        isBlind in class CompactSerializationCache
        whether this CompactSerializationCache is operating in a blind mode