Class CompactSerializationCache.InternalEvictionPolicy.EvictionVisitor

    • Field Detail

      • f_cUnitsToEvict

        protected final long f_cUnitsToEvict
        The minimum number of units to evict.
      • m_cUnitsEvicting

        protected long m_cUnitsEvicting
        The number of units occupied by the entries in the eviction set. Used during the iteration (evict-set calculation) only.
      • m_lKeepThreshold

        protected long m_lKeepThreshold
        The weight of the lightest entry that we have decided to keep. All of the entries to evict will be lighter than this threshold.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EvictionVisitor

        public EvictionVisitor​(long cLowUnits)
        Construct an EvictionVisitor to identify the set of keys to evict from the cache in order to prune the cache down to the specified low-units threshold
        cLowUnits - the low-units threshold to prune the cache to