Class OverflowMap.EntrySet.EntrySetIterator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enumeration, Iterator
    Enclosing class:

    protected class OverflowMap.EntrySet.EntrySetIterator
    A pessimistic Iterator over the EntrySet that is backed by the OverflowMap.
    • Field Detail

      • m_iterKeys

        protected Iterator m_iterKeys
        Key iterator.
      • m_mapTemp

        protected Map m_mapTemp
        Map to use with getInternal() in order to determine differences between null values and non-present values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntrySetIterator

        protected EntrySetIterator()
    • Method Detail

      • advance

        protected void advance()
        Advance to the next object.

        This method must be implemented by the concrete sub-class by calling AbstractStableIterator.setNext(T) if there is a next object.

        Specified by:
        advance in class
      • remove

        protected void remove​(Object oPrev)
        Remove the specified item.

        This is an optional operation. If the Iterator supports element removal, then it should implement this method, which is delegated to by the AbstractStableIterator.remove() method.

        remove in class
        oPrev - the previously iterated object that should be removed