Interface StorageAccessAuthorizer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface StorageAccessAuthorizer
    A pluggable facility for the server side access control authorization.
    • Method Detail

      • checkRead

        void checkRead​(BinaryEntry entry,
                       Subject subject,
                       int nReason)
        Check if the caller represented by the specified Subject is authorized to a read access for the specified entry.
        entry - the entry
        subject - the Subject
        nReason - one of the REASON_* constants
        SecurityException - if the action is not authorized
      • checkWrite

        void checkWrite​(BinaryEntry entry,
                        Subject subject,
                        int nReason)
        Check if the caller represented by the specified Subject is authorized to a write access for the specified entry.
        entry - the entry
        subject - the Subject
        nReason - one of the REASON_* constants
        SecurityException - if the action is not authorized
      • checkReadAny

        void checkReadAny​(BackingMapContext context,
                          Subject subject,
                          int nReason)
        Check if the caller represented by the specified Subject is authorized to read any data.

        For example, this check would be performed to install a map listener (except for lite listeners)

        context - the BackingMapContext
        subject - the Subject
        nReason - one of the REASON_* constants
        SecurityException - if the action is not authorized
      • checkWriteAny

        void checkWriteAny​(BackingMapContext context,
                           Subject subject,
                           int nReason)
        Check if the caller represented by the specified Subject is authorized to update any data.

        For example, this check would be performed to install a trigger.

        context - the BackingMapContext
        subject - the Subject
        nReason - one of the REASON_* constants
        SecurityException - if the action is not authorized
      • reasonToString

        static String reasonToString​(int nReason)
        Return a human-readable description for the specified REASON_ constant.
        nReason - one of the REASON_ constants
        the operation description