Class AbstractSnapshotArchiver

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected String f_sClusterName
      The cluster name.
      protected String f_sServiceName
      The service name.
      protected long m_cMillisLastStart
      The start time of the last operation.
      protected long m_cMillisMax
      The maxiumum time in millis to archive or retrieve a snapshot store.
      protected long m_cMillisMin
      The minimum time in millis to archive or retrieve a snapshot store.
      protected long m_cMillisTotal
      The total time in millis taken to archive or retrieve snapshot stores.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      AbstractSnapshotArchiver​(String sClusterName, String sServiceName)
      Create a new AbstractSnapshotArchiver which is used to archive and retrieve snapshot parts to/from a common archive location.
      There will be one instance of a AbstractSnapshotArchiver implementation per storage node / per configured Persistence service.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void archive​(Snapshot snapshot,<ReadBuffer> env)
      Archive the specified snapshot.
      protected abstract void archiveInternal​(Snapshot snapshot,<ReadBuffer> mgr)
      Internal implementation to Archive the specified snapshot.
      protected<ReadBuffer> createTempEnvironment​(File fileBaseDir, String sStorageFormat)
      Create a temporary PersistenceEnvironment to write archived snapshots to in the given format.
      protected void displayStatistics​(Snapshot snapshot, String sType)
      Display the collected statistics for the given snapshot and type of operation.
      Snapshot get​(String sSnapshot)
      Return a Snapshot which represents the archived snapshot with the given identifier.
      protected abstract Properties getMetadata​(String sSnapshot)
      Internal implementation to retrieve the metadata stored for the archived snapshot. getPersistenceTools​(String sSnapshot)
      Return an instance of PersistenceTools allowing offline operations to be performed against the associated PersistenceManager and appropriate PersistentStore.
      protected boolean hasArchivedSnapshot​(String sSnapshot)
      Return true if the specified snapshot exists for this archiver.
      protected boolean hasLocalSnapshot​(<ReadBuffer> env, String sSnapshot)
      Return true if the specified snapshot exists for the PersistenceEnvironment.
      protected instantiatePersistenceTools​( info, String sSnapshot)
      Instantiate an instance of PersistenceTools relevant to this archiver and the provided snapshot.
      String[] list()
      Return the identifiers of the archived snapshots known to this archiver.
      protected abstract String[] listInternal()
      Internal implementation to return the identifiers of the archived snapshots known to this archiver.
      protected abstract String[] listStoresInternal​(String sSnapshot)
      List the stores for a given snapshot.
      protected void recordEndTime()
      Record the end time of the operation and update min and max values.
      protected void recordStartTime()
      Record the start time of the operation.
      boolean remove​(String sSnapshot)
      Remove the archived snapshot with the specified identifier.
      protected abstract boolean removeInternal​(String sSnapshot)
      Internal implementation to remove the specified archived snapshot.
      protected void resetStatistics()
      Reset the statistics recording the archive and retrieve times.
      void retrieve​(Snapshot snapshot,<ReadBuffer> env)
      Retrieve the specified archived snapshot.
      protected abstract void retrieveInternal​(Snapshot snapshot,<ReadBuffer> mgr)
      Internal implementation to retrieve the specified snapshot.
      String toString()
      protected void writeMetadata​(File fileDir,<ReadBuffer> mgr, String sStore)
      Write the metadata using given manager for a particular store to a destination directory.
    • Field Detail

      • f_sClusterName

        protected final String f_sClusterName
        The cluster name.
      • f_sServiceName

        protected final String f_sServiceName
        The service name.
      • m_cMillisTotal

        protected long m_cMillisTotal
        The total time in millis taken to archive or retrieve snapshot stores.
      • m_cMillisMax

        protected long m_cMillisMax
        The maxiumum time in millis to archive or retrieve a snapshot store.
      • m_cMillisMin

        protected long m_cMillisMin
        The minimum time in millis to archive or retrieve a snapshot store.
      • m_cMillisLastStart

        protected long m_cMillisLastStart
        The start time of the last operation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSnapshotArchiver

        public AbstractSnapshotArchiver​(String sClusterName,
                                        String sServiceName)
        Create a new AbstractSnapshotArchiver which is used to archive and retrieve snapshot parts to/from a common archive location.
        There will be one instance of a AbstractSnapshotArchiver implementation per storage node / per configured Persistence service.
        sClusterName - the name of the cluster
        sServiceName - the service name
    • Method Detail

      • list

        public String[] list()
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotArchiver
        Return the identifiers of the archived snapshots known to this archiver.
        Specified by:
        list in interface SnapshotArchiver
        a list of the known archived snapshot identifiers
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(String sSnapshot)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotArchiver
        Remove the archived snapshot with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface SnapshotArchiver
        sSnapshot -  the identifier of the archived snapshot
        true if the snapshot was successfully deleted, false otherwise
      • archive

        public void archive​(Snapshot snapshot,
                  <ReadBuffer> env)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotArchiver
        Archive the specified snapshot.
        Specified by:
        archive in interface SnapshotArchiver
        snapshot - the snapshot to archive
        env - the PersistenceEnvironment used to read the snapshot
      • retrieve

        public void retrieve​(Snapshot snapshot,
                   <ReadBuffer> env)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotArchiver
        Retrieve the specified archived snapshot.
        Specified by:
        retrieve in interface SnapshotArchiver
        snapshot - the snapshot to retrieve
        env - the PersistenceEnvironment used to write the snapshot
      • getPersistenceTools

        public getPersistenceTools​(String sSnapshot)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotArchiver
        Return an instance of PersistenceTools allowing offline operations to be performed against the associated PersistenceManager and appropriate PersistentStore.
        Specified by:
        getPersistenceTools in interface SnapshotArchiver
        sSnapshot - the snapshot to return tools for
        a PersistenceTools implementation
      • listInternal

        protected abstract String[] listInternal()
        Internal implementation to return the identifiers of the archived snapshots known to this archiver.
        a list of the known archived snapshot identifiers
      • archiveInternal

        protected abstract void archiveInternal​(Snapshot snapshot,
                                      <ReadBuffer> mgr)
        Internal implementation to Archive the specified snapshot.
        snapshot - the snapshot to archive
        mgr - the PersistenceManager used to read the stores from
      • retrieveInternal

        protected abstract void retrieveInternal​(Snapshot snapshot,
                                       <ReadBuffer> mgr)
        Internal implementation to retrieve the specified snapshot.
        snapshot - the snapshot to retrieve
        mgr - the PersistenceManager used to write the stores to
      • removeInternal

        protected abstract boolean removeInternal​(String sSnapshot)
        Internal implementation to remove the specified archived snapshot. (Called by JMX operation removeArchivedSnapshot)
        sSnapshot - the snapshot name to remove
        true if the snapshot was removed
      • listStoresInternal

        protected abstract String[] listStoresInternal​(String sSnapshot)
        List the stores for a given snapshot.
        sSnapshot - the snapshot name to list stores for
        a String[] of store names
      • getMetadata

        protected abstract Properties getMetadata​(String sSnapshot)
                                           throws IOException
        Internal implementation to retrieve the metadata stored for the archived snapshot.
        sSnapshot - the snapshot name to retrieve metadata
        the metadata for the archived snapshot
        IOException - if any I/O related problems
      • instantiatePersistenceTools

        protected instantiatePersistenceTools​( info,
                                                                                               String sSnapshot)
        Instantiate an instance of PersistenceTools relevant to this archiver and the provided snapshot.
        info - the information about this archived snapshot
        sSnapshot - the snapshot name to use
        an instance of PersistenceTools
      • resetStatistics

        protected void resetStatistics()
        Reset the statistics recording the archive and retrieve times.
      • recordStartTime

        protected void recordStartTime()
        Record the start time of the operation.
      • recordEndTime

        protected void recordEndTime()
        Record the end time of the operation and update min and max values.
      • displayStatistics

        protected void displayStatistics​(Snapshot snapshot,
                                         String sType)
        Display the collected statistics for the given snapshot and type of operation.
        snapshot - the snapshot that was archived or retrieved
        sType - the type of operation, either "archive" or "retrieve"
      • hasLocalSnapshot

        protected boolean hasLocalSnapshot​(<ReadBuffer> env,
                                           String sSnapshot)
        Return true if the specified snapshot exists for the PersistenceEnvironment.
        env - the PersistenceEnvironment to query
        sSnapshot - the snapshot name to check for
        true if the specified snapshot exists
      • hasArchivedSnapshot

        protected boolean hasArchivedSnapshot​(String sSnapshot)
        Return true if the specified snapshot exists for this archiver.
        sSnapshot - the snapshot name to check for
        true if the specified snapshot exists
      • createTempEnvironment

        protected<ReadBuffer> createTempEnvironment​(File fileBaseDir,
                                                                                                            String sStorageFormat)
                                                                                                     throws IOException
        Create a temporary PersistenceEnvironment to write archived snapshots to in the given format.
        fileBaseDir - the directory off which to create the environment
        sStorageFormat - the storage format to use
        a PersistenceEnvironment which can be used to write archived snapshots to
        IOException - if any I/O related errors.
      • writeMetadata

        protected void writeMetadata​(File fileDir,
                           <ReadBuffer> mgr,
                                     String sStore)
                              throws IOException
        Write the metadata using given manager for a particular store to a destination directory.
        fileDir - the directory to write metadata to
        mgr - the PersistenceManager used to write the metadata
        sStore - a store to use to read the partition count from
        IOException - if any errors writing metadata