Class PropertyAdapter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    IterableAdapter, SerializableAdapter, SimpleAdapter, XmlElementAdapter, XmlSerializableAdapter

    public abstract class PropertyAdapter
    extends ExternalizableHelper
    implements Serializable
    The PropertyAdapter is the base class for handling the operations that can occur on any property.
       <xml-name>people</xml-name>     <!-- optional, empty name indicates anonymous element -->
       <adapter>...</adapter>          <!-- optional -->
       <type>...</type>                <!-- defaults via reflection -->
       <class>...</class>              <!-- defaults to <type> -->
    1.00 2001.03.06
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • NOPARAMS

        protected static final Class[] NOPARAMS
        Parameters for finding no-parameter methods.
      • m_infoBean

        protected XmlBean.BeanInfo m_infoBean
        The BeanInfo object that contains this PropertyAdapter.
      • m_sName

        protected String m_sName
        The property name.
      • m_sXml

        protected String m_sXml
        The XML element name used to store this property.
      • m_fAttribute

        protected boolean m_fAttribute
        True if the property is stored in an attribute instead of an XML element.
      • m_clzType

        protected Class m_clzType
        The type of the property.
      • m_methodGet

        protected Method m_methodGet
        The property "accessor" method.
      • m_methodSet

        protected Method m_methodSet
        The property "mutator" method.
      • m_methodClone

        protected Method m_methodClone
        The "public Object clone()" method for the property type, if available.
      • m_sNmsUri

        protected String m_sNmsUri
        The namespace URI for this property.
      • m_sNmsPrefix

        protected String m_sNmsPrefix
        The namespace prefix for this property.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyAdapter

        protected PropertyAdapter​(XmlBean.BeanInfo infoBean,
                                  Class clzType,
                                  String sName,
                                  String sXml,
                                  XmlElement xml)
        Construct a PropertyAdapter.

        Note: This constructor may narrow the specified property type to match the declared property accessor return type; therefore, subclasses should not assume that the specified property type will be equal to that returned by the getType() method.

        infoBean - BeanInfo for a bean containing this property
        clzType - the type of the property
        sName - the property name
        sXml - the XML tag name
        xml - additional XML information
    • Method Detail

      • getBeanInfo

        public XmlBean.BeanInfo getBeanInfo()
        Obtain the containing BeanInfo object.
        the BeanInfo that describes an XML bean containing this property
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Obtain the name of the property that this PropertyAdapter handles.
        the property name
      • getLocalXmlName

        public String getLocalXmlName()
        Determine the "local" XML element name that will be used to hold the property value.
        the local XML element name for the property value
      • getXmlName

        public String getXmlName()
        Return the XML element name used to generate an XML.
        the outgoing XML element name for the property value
      • isElementMatch

        public boolean isElementMatch​(XmlElement xml)
        Check whether or not the passed element matches to the property's local name and Namespace URI.
        xml - the XML element
        true if the specified element represents a value for a property represented by this adapter
      • findElement

        public XmlElement findElement​(XmlElement xml)
        Find a child element of the specified XmlElement that represents a value for a property represented by this adapter.
        xml - the parent XmlElement
        an element that can be processed by this adapther; null if none could be found
      • getElements

        public Iterator getElements​(XmlElement xml)
        Get an iterator of child elements of the specified XmlElement that represent values for a property represented by this adapter.
        xml - the parent XmlElement
        an iterator containing all child elements that can be processed by this adapther
      • findAttribute

        public XmlValue findAttribute​(XmlElement xml)
        Find an attribute of the specified XmlElement that represents a value for a property represented by this adapter.
        xml - the parent XmlElement
        an attribute that can be processed by this adapther; null if none could be found
      • getNamespaceUri

        public String getNamespaceUri()
        Determine the namespace URI for the property.
        the URI that qualifies the Namespace for this property
      • getNamespacePrefix

        public String getNamespacePrefix()
        Determine the default namespace prefix for the property.
        the default Namespace prefix for this property
      • setNamespacePrefix

        public void setNamespacePrefix​(String sPrefix)
        Set the default Namespace prefix for this property.
        sPrefix - the new default namespace for this property
      • getType

        public Class getType()
        Obtain the type of the property (the class of the object declared as being returned by the accessor and passed to the mutator).
        the property type
      • getAccessor

        public Method getAccessor()
        Obtain the Method object that is used to call the property accessor.
        the accessor (getter) method for the property
      • getMutator

        public Method getMutator()
        Obtain the Method object that is used to call the property mutator.
        the mutator (setter) method for the property or null if the property is not settable
      • getCloner

        public Method getCloner()
        Obtain the Method object that is used to deep-clone the property value.
        the clone method for the property or null if none is applicable or available
      • isAnonymous

        public boolean isAnonymous()
        Determine if this property does not have a designated element name.
        true if the property doesn't have an associated XmlElement
      • isAttribute

        public boolean isAttribute()
        Determine if the property is stored in an XML attribute instead of an XML element.
        true if the property is attribute bound
      • isCloneRequired

        public abstract boolean isCloneRequired()
        Determine if the property value must be deep-cloned. Typically, a property value must be deep-cloned if it is a mutable reference type, e.g. StringBuffer, Date, byte[].
        true if the property value must be "deep" cloned when the containing object is cloned
      • get

        public Object get​(XmlBean bean)
        Extract the property value from the passed bean reference.
        bean - the XML bean object to obtain the property value from
        the property value
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty​(Object o)
        Determine if the specified value is empty.
        o - the value
        true if the object is considered to be empty for persistence and XML-generation purposes
      • set

        public void set​(XmlBean bean,
                        Object o)
        Store the property value in the passed bean.
        bean - the XML bean object to store the property value into
        o - the property value
      • hash

        public int hash​(Object o)
        compute a hash code for the passed object.
        o - the object to compute a hash code for
        an integer hash code
      • equalsValue

        public boolean equalsValue​(Object o1,
                                   Object o2)
        Compare the two passed objects for equality.
        o1 - the first object
        o2 - the second object
        true if the two objects are equal
      • clone

        public Object clone​(Object o)
        Make a clone of the passed object.
        o - the object to clone
        a clone of the passed object
      • fromXml

        public Object fromXml​(XmlElement xml)
        Deserialize an object from an XML element.
        xml - the XML element to deserialize from
        the object deserialized from the XML element
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the property cannot be read from a single XML element
      • toXml

        public XmlElement toXml​(Object o)
        Serialize an object into an XML element.
        o - the object to serialize
        the XML element representing the serialized form of the passed object
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the property cannot be written to a single XML element
      • readXml

        public Object readXml​(XmlElement xml)
        Deserialize an object from XML. Note that the parent element is the one passed to this method; this method is responsible for finding all of the necessarily elements within the parent element. This method is intended to allow collection properties to read their data from multiple XML elements.
        xml - the XML element containing the XML elements to deserialize from
        the object deserialized from the XML (may be null)
      • writeXml

        public void writeXml​(XmlElement xml,
                             Object o)
        Serialize an object into an XML element. Note that the parent element is the one passed to this method; this method is responsible for creating the necessarily elements within the parent element. This method is intended to allow collection properties to write their data to multiple XML elements.
        xml - the XML element containing the XML elements to serialize to
        o - the object to serialize (may be null)
      • fromUri

        public Object fromUri​(String sUri)
        Deserialize an object from a URI element.
        sUri - the URI element to deserialize from
        the object deserialized from the URI element
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the property cannot be read from a URI element
      • toUri

        public String toUri​(Object o)
        Serialize an object into a URI element.
        o - the object to serialize
        the URI element representing the serialized form of the passed object
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the property cannot be written to a URI element
      • readExternal

        public Object readExternal​(DataInput in)
                            throws IOException
        Read a value from the passed DataInput object.
        in - the DataInput stream to read property data from
        the data read from the DataInput; never null
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeExternal

        public void writeExternal​(DataOutput out,
                                  Object o)
                           throws IOException
        Write the specified data to the passed DataOutput object.
        out - the DataOutput stream to write to
        o - the data to write to the DataOutput; never null
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Debugging support.
        toString in class Object
        a String description of this PropertyAdapter object