Class FilterBuildingException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FilterBuildingException
    extends RuntimeException
    FilterBuildingException is the RuntimeException thrown by the QueryHelper when building a Filter. Instances of FilterBuildingException should hold the String that was being processed when the exception occurred.
    djl 2009.10.5
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterBuildingException

        public FilterBuildingException()
        Construct a new FilterBuildingException.
      • FilterBuildingException

        public FilterBuildingException​(String sMessage,
                                       String sParseString)
        Construct a new FilterBuildingException with the given error string along with the string that was being parsed.
        sMessage - the message String for the exception
        sParseString - the String that was being parsed
      • FilterBuildingException

        public FilterBuildingException​(String sMessage,
                                       String sParseString,
                                       Throwable exceptionCause)
        Construct a new FilterBuildingException with the given error string, the string that was being parsed and a base exception.
        sMessage - the message String for the exception
        sParseString - the String that was being parsed
        exceptionCause - a base exception that caused the error
    • Method Detail

      • getParseString

        public String getParseString()
        Answer the String that was being processed when the Exception occurred
        the String being processed when the Exception occurred