Class MapListenerSupport.FilterEvent

    • Field Detail

      • f_aFilter

        protected final Filter[] f_aFilter
        Filters that caused the event.
      • f_event

        protected final MapEvent f_event
        Optional wrapped MapEvent.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                           int nId,
                           Object oKey,
                           boolean fSynthetic,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new lite (no values are specified) FilterEvent.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event's id
        oKey - the key into the map
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                           int nId,
                           Object oKey,
                           boolean fSynthetic,
                           boolean fPriming,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new lite (no values are specified) FilterEvent.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event's id
        oKey - the key into the map
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
        fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                           int nId,
                           Object oKey,
                           Object oValueOld,
                           Object oValueNew,
                           boolean fSynthetic,
                           boolean fPriming,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new FilterEvent.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event's id
        oKey - the key into the map
        oValueOld - the old value
        oValueNew - the new value
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
        fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                           int nId,
                           Object oKey,
                           Object oValueOld,
                           Object oValueNew,
                           boolean fSynthetic,
                           CacheEvent.TransformationState transformState,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new FilterEvent.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event's id
        oKey - the key into the map
        oValueOld - the old value
        oValueNew - the new value
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
        transformState - the state describing how this event has been or should be transformed
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                           int nId,
                           Object oKey,
                           Object oValueOld,
                           Object oValueNew,
                           boolean fSynthetic,
                           CacheEvent.TransformationState transformState,
                           boolean fPriming,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new FilterEvent.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event's id
        oKey - the key into the map
        oValueOld - the old value
        oValueNew - the new value
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
        transformState - the state describing how this event has been or should be transformed
        fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(ObservableMap map,
                           int nId,
                           Object oKey,
                           Object oValueOld,
                           Object oValueNew,
                           boolean fSynthetic,
                           CacheEvent.TransformationState transformState,
                           boolean fPriming,
                           boolean fExpired,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new FilterEvent.
        map - the ObservableMap object that fired the event
        nId - this event's id
        oKey - the key into the map
        oValueOld - the old value
        oValueNew - the new value
        fSynthetic - true iff the event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading
        transformState - the state describing how this event has been or should be transformed
        fPriming - a flag indicating whether or not the event is a priming event
        fExpired - true iff the event results from an eviction due to time
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
      • FilterEvent

        public FilterEvent​(MapEvent event,
                           Filter[] aFilter)
        Constructs a new FilterEvent that wraps the given MapEvent.
        event - the wrapped MapEvent
        aFilter - an array of filters that caused this event
    • Method Detail

      • getFilter

        public Filter[] getFilter()
        Return an array of filters that are the cause of this event.
        an array of filters
      • getMapEvent

        public MapEvent getMapEvent()
        Return the wrapped event.
        the underlying MapEvent
      • getDescription

        protected String getDescription()
        Get the event's description.
        getDescription in class CacheEvent
        this event's description
      • getKey

        public Object getKey()
        Return a key associated with this event.
        getKey in class MapEvent
        a key
      • getOldValue

        public Object getOldValue()
        Return an old value associated with this event.

        The old value represents a value deleted from or updated in a map. It is always null for "insert" notifications.

        getOldValue in class MapEvent
        an old value
      • getNewValue

        public Object getNewValue()
        Return a new value associated with this event.

        The new value represents a new value inserted into or updated in a map. It is always null for "delete" notifications.

        getNewValue in class MapEvent
        a new value