Interface MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    JournalBinaryStore.ClearListener, MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener
    extends EventListener
    A listener that allows the owner of one of the delegating maps to respond to changes in the key set made by an owner of another delegating map.

    Events may be raised to the BinaryLongMapListener while holding resource locks on the primary BinaryLongMap, so the listener is not permitted to further modify the contents of the primary BinaryLongMap synchronously.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void keyAdded​(Binary binKey)
      A notification that the primary map has added a new Binary/long key/value mapping; this implicitly creates a new key/value mapping in each delegating map, with the value being 0L.
      void keyRemoving​(Binary binKey)
      A notification that the primary map is removing a Binary/long key/value mapping; this implies that the existing key/value mapping for the same Binary key in each delegating map is also being removed.
      void mapCleared()
      A notification that the primary map has been cleared; this implies that all of the existing key/value mappings in each delegating map have also been removed.
      void mapClearing()
      A notification that the primary map is about to be cleared; this implies that all of the existing key/value mappings in each delegating map are about to be removed, but that no per-mapping events will be generated in response to those removals.
    • Method Detail

      • keyAdded

        void keyAdded​(Binary binKey)
        A notification that the primary map has added a new Binary/long key/value mapping; this implicitly creates a new key/value mapping in each delegating map, with the value being 0L.
        binKey - the key that was added
      • keyRemoving

        void keyRemoving​(Binary binKey)
        A notification that the primary map is removing a Binary/long key/value mapping; this implies that the existing key/value mapping for the same Binary key in each delegating map is also being removed.
        binKey - the key that is being removed
      • mapClearing

        void mapClearing()
        A notification that the primary map is about to be cleared; this implies that all of the existing key/value mappings in each delegating map are about to be removed, but that no per-mapping events will be generated in response to those removals.
      • mapCleared

        void mapCleared()
        A notification that the primary map has been cleared; this implies that all of the existing key/value mappings in each delegating map have also been removed.