Class MultiBinaryLongMap.LeftoverLongMapHolder

  • Enclosing class:

    public class MultiBinaryLongMap.LeftoverLongMapHolder
    extends MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedLongMapHolder
    LeftoverLongMapHolder is the MaskedLongMapHolder implementation that is backed by the "real" key tree itself. The MaskedBinaryLongMap instances created by this holder are stored in the upper 32-bits of the underlying key-tree (where the lower 32-bits encode the "slot" info). Additionally, the returned instances contain additional safety checks to ensure that users of the returned BinaryLongMap may not cause keys to be inadvertently (and illegally) added to the MultiBinaryLongMap.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LeftoverLongMapHolder

        public LeftoverLongMapHolder()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • instantiateMaskedBinaryLongMap

        protected MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedBinaryLongMap instantiateMaskedBinaryLongMap​(int cShift,
                                                                                        int cBits)
        Factory method for instantiating MaskedBinaryLongMap instances associated with this MaskedLongMapHolder.
        instantiateMaskedBinaryLongMap in class MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedLongMapHolder
        cShift - the shift position of the masked BLM
        cBits - the bit-width of values represented by the BLM
        a MaskedBinaryLongMap with the specified shift and mask associated with this LongMapHolder (and backed by the underlying BLM)