Class SegmentedHashMap.EntryActionAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • EntryActionAdapter

        protected EntryActionAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • invokeFound

        public Object invokeFound​(Object oKey,
                                  Object oContext,
                                  SegmentedHashMap.Entry[] aeBucket,
                                  int nBucket,
                                  SegmentedHashMap.Entry entryPrev,
                                  SegmentedHashMap.Entry entryCur)
        Invoke some action, holding the segment lock, when a matching Entry is found.
        Specified by:
        invokeFound in interface SegmentedHashMap.EntryAction
        oKey - the key to which the action is applied
        oContext - opaque context specific to the action
        aeBucket - the bucket array
        nBucket - the index into the bucket array
        entryPrev - the Entry object immediately preceding the Entry that was found, or null
        entryCur - the Entry object that was found
        an opaque result value
      • invokeNotFound

        public Object invokeNotFound​(Object oKey,
                                     Object oContext,
                                     SegmentedHashMap.Entry[] aeBucket,
                                     int nBucket)
        Invoke some action, holding the segment lock, when no matching Entry is found.
        Specified by:
        invokeNotFound in interface SegmentedHashMap.EntryAction
        oKey - the key to which the action is applied
        oContext - opaque context specific to the action
        aeBucket - the bucket array
        nBucket - the index into the bucket array
        an opaque result value
      • isComplete

        public boolean isComplete​(Object oContext)
        Return true iff further key evaluations for the given context are known to be unnecessary.
        Specified by:
        isComplete in interface SegmentedHashMap.IterableEntryAction
        oContext - the action context
        true iff further evaluations are unnecessary