Class AllFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • AllFilter

        public AllFilter()
        Default constructor (necessary for the ExternalizableLite interface).
      • AllFilter

        public AllFilter​(Filter[] afilter)
        Construct an "all" filter. The result is defined as:
        afilter[0] && afilter[1] ... && afilter[n]
        afilter - an array of filters
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public boolean evaluate​(Object o)
        Apply the test to the input argument.
        o - the input argument to evaluate
        true if the input argument matches the filter, otherwise false
      • calculateEffectiveness

        public int calculateEffectiveness​(Map mapIndexes,
                                          Set setKeys)
        Given a Map of available indexes, determine if this IndexAwareFilter can use any of the indexes to assist in its processing, and if so, determine how effective the use of that index would be.

        The returned value is an effectiveness estimate of how well this filter can use the specified indexes to filter the specified keys. An operation that requires no more than a single access to the index content (i.e. Equals, NotEquals) has an effectiveness of one. Evaluation of a single entry is assumed to have an effectiveness that depends on the index implementation and is usually measured as a constant number of the single operations. This number is referred to as evaluation cost.

        If the effectiveness of a filter evaluates to a number larger than the keySet.size() * <evaluation cost> then a user could avoid using the index and iterate through the keySet calling evaluate rather then applyIndex.

        mapIndexes - the available MapIndex objects keyed by the related ValueExtractor; read-only
        setKeys - the set of keys that will be filtered; read-only
        an effectiveness estimate of how well this filter can use the specified indexes to filter the specified keys
      • evaluateEntry

        protected boolean evaluateEntry​(Map.Entry entry,
                                        QueryContext ctx,
                                        QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep step)
        Check if the given entry passes the filter's evaluation. Record the actual cost of execution for each of the participating filters if a query context is provided.
        Specified by:
        evaluateEntry in class ArrayFilter
        entry - a key value pair to filter
        ctx - the query ctx; may be null
        step - the step used to record the execution cost
        true if the entry passes the filter, false otherwise
      • applyIndex

        protected Filter applyIndex​(Map mapIndexes,
                                    Set setKeys,
                                    QueryContext ctx,
                                    QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep step)
        Apply the specified IndexAwareFilter to the specified keySet. Record the actual cost of execution for each of the participating filters if a query context is provided.
        Specified by:
        applyIndex in class ArrayFilter
        mapIndexes - the available MapIndex objects keyed by the related ValueExtractor; read-only
        setKeys - the set of keys that would be filtered
        ctx - the query ctx; may be null
        step - the step used to record the execution cost
        a Filter object that can be used to process the remaining keys, or null if no additional filter processing is necessary