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Create Store-and-Forward agents

The Store-and-Forward (SAF) service uses SAF agents to deliver messages reliably between applications that are distributed across WebLogic Server instances. A SAF agent can be configured to have only sending capabilities, receiving capabilities, or both. JMS SAF only requires a sending agent on the sending side for JMS messages. Whereas, WSRM SAF requires both a sending agent and a receiving agent.

To configure a SAF agent:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
  2. In the left panel of the console, expand Services > Messaging and select Store-and-Forward Agents.
  3. On the Summary of Store-and-Forward Agents page, click New.

    Note: Once you create a SAF agent, you cannot rename it. Instead, you must delete it and create another one that uses the new name.

  4. On the Create a New Store-and-Forward Agent page:
    1. Name -- Name for the SAF agent.
    2. Persistent Store -- Select a persistent store or or click Create a New Store to configure a new store.
      • When a SAF agent is targeted to a cluster, a SAF Agent must use a custom store with Distribution Policy of Distributed and is targeted to the same cluster.
      • A SAF Agent can use a default store only when targeting a configured (non-dynamic) cluster.
      • When a SAF agent is targeted to a migratable target, a custom store must be configured and targeted to the same migratable target.
      • For more information about configuring stores, see Configure custom persistent stores.
    3. Agent Type -- Select one of the following:
      • Sending-only -- Configures an agent that stores messages in persistent storage, forwards messages to the receiving side, and re-transmits messages when acknowledgements do not come back in time.
      • Receiving-only -- Configures an agent that detects and eliminates duplicate messages sent by a receiving agent, and delivers messages to the final destination.
      • Both -- Configures an agent that has sending and receiving agent functionality.

      Note: JMS SAF users should select Sending-only since JMS SAF doesn't require a configured receiving agent.

    4. Click Next.
  5. On the Selects Targets page, select the server instance, cluster, or migratable target where you want to deploy the SAF agent.
    • When targeting a cluster, a SAF Agent must use a custom store with Distribution Policy of Distributed and is targeted to the same cluster.
    • If a SAF agent is targeted to a migratable target, it cannot be targeted to any other server targets, including an entire cluster. See Configure migratable targets for JMS-related services.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).

After you finish

You can optionally configure additional properties for the new SAF agent, such as basic and advanced general properties, thresholds and quotas, or log file rotation parameters.

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