Get Default Page URL



Gets the URL for the default page of an object. You can optionally specify the kind of default page (e.g. configuration or monitoring). For example, use this method to get a WLS cluster's default page's URL. Use this method when possible since it isolates the caller from the specific console page labels. This method does not check whether the page exists. To find out, use the URL and see if it works.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
Body ()

Must contain the following fields:

Root Schema : Arguments
Type: object
Title: Arguments
Show Source
  • Items
    Title: Items

    Identifies the object the page should display or manage. Most pages display or manage WLS mbeans (such as a server or cluster). For them, call "getObjectNameContext", passing in the JMX object name, to get the context to pass to this method. See the console programmers' guide for more information on contexts.

  • Specifies which kind of default page to return (e.g. configuration or monitoring). Pass in null to get the default page for the object. See the console programmers' guide for more information on perspectives.

Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items

Identifies the object the page should display or manage. Most pages display or manage WLS mbeans (such as a server or cluster). For them, call "getObjectNameContext", passing in the JMX object name, to get the context to pass to this method. See the console programmers' guide for more information on contexts.

Show Source
  • Type: basic
    Description: A user in the Admin security role.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns the following fields:

Body ()
Root Schema : Return
Type: object
Title: Return
Show Source
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