View This Server Runtime



View this server runtime.

Note: This tree of resources is used to monitor this server.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The 'excludeFields' query parameter is used to restrict which fields are returned in the response. It is a comma separated list of field names. If present, only fields whose name is not on the list will be returned. If not present, all fields are returned (unless the 'fields' query parameter is specified). Note: 'fields' must not be specified if 'excludeFields' is specified.
  • The 'fields' query parameter is used to restrict which fields are returned in the response. It is a comma separated list of field names. If present, only fields with matching names are returned. If not present, all fields are returned (unless the 'excludeFields' query parameter is specified). Note: 'excludeFields' must not be specified if 'fields' is specified.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns this server runtime.

This method can return the following links:

  • rel=JDBCServiceRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/JDBCServiceRuntime

    This resource's JDBCServiceRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=JMSRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/JMSRuntime

    This resource's JMSRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=JTARuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/JTARuntime

    This resource's JTARuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=JVMRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/JVMRuntime

    This resource's JVMRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=MANAsyncReplicationRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/MANAsyncReplicationRuntime

    This resource's MANAsyncReplicationRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=MANReplicationRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/MANReplicationRuntime

    This resource's MANReplicationRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=SAFRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/SAFRuntime

    This resource's SAFRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=SNMPAgentRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/SNMPAgentRuntime

    This resource's SNMPAgentRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=WANReplicationRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/WANReplicationRuntime

    This resource's WANReplicationRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=WLDFRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/WLDFRuntime

    This resource's WLDFRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=WTCRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/WTCRuntime

    This resource's WTCRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=action title=forceRestartPartition uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/forceRestartPartition

    This resource's forceRestartPartition action resource.

  • rel=action title=forceShutdown uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/forceShutdown

    This resource's forceShutdown action resource.

  • rel=action title=forceSuspend uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/forceSuspend

    This resource's forceSuspend action resource.

  • rel=action title=getIPv4URL uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/getIPv4URL

    This resource's getIPv4URL action resource.

  • rel=action title=getIPv6URL uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/getIPv6URL

    This resource's getIPv6URL action resource.

  • rel=action title=getURL uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/getURL

    This resource's getURL action resource.

  • rel=action title=restartSSLChannels uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/restartSSLChannels

    This resource's restartSSLChannels action resource.

  • rel=action title=resume uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/resume

    This resource's resume action resource.

  • rel=action title=shutdown uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/shutdown

    This resource's shutdown action resource.

  • rel=action title=suspend uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/suspend

    This resource's suspend action resource.

  • rel=applicationRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/applicationRuntimes

    This resource's applicationRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=asyncReplicationRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/asyncReplicationRuntime

    This resource's asyncReplicationRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=batchJobRepositoryRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/batchJobRepositoryRuntime

    This resource's batchJobRepositoryRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=classLoaderRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/classLoaderRuntime

    This resource's classLoaderRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=clusterRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/clusterRuntime

    This resource's clusterRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=concurrentManagedObjectsRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/concurrentManagedObjectsRuntime

    This resource's concurrentManagedObjectsRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=connectorServiceRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/connectorServiceRuntime

    This resource's connectorServiceRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=defaultExecuteQueueRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/defaultExecuteQueueRuntime

    This resource's defaultExecuteQueueRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=entityCacheCumulativeRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/entityCacheCumulativeRuntime

    This resource's entityCacheCumulativeRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=entityCacheCurrentStateRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/entityCacheCurrentStateRuntime

    This resource's entityCacheCurrentStateRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=entityCacheHistoricalRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/entityCacheHistoricalRuntime

    This resource's entityCacheHistoricalRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=executeQueueRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/executeQueueRuntimes

    This resource's executeQueueRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=joltRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/joltRuntime

    This resource's joltRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=libraryRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/libraryRuntimes

    This resource's libraryRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=logBroadcasterRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/logBroadcasterRuntime

    This resource's logBroadcasterRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=mailSessionRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/mailSessionRuntimes

    This resource's mailSessionRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=maxThreadsConstraintRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/maxThreadsConstraintRuntimes

    This resource's maxThreadsConstraintRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=messagingBridgeRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/messagingBridgeRuntimes

    This resource's messagingBridgeRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=minThreadsConstraintRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/minThreadsConstraintRuntimes

    This resource's minThreadsConstraintRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=pathServiceRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/pathServiceRuntimes

    This resource's pathServiceRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=persistentStoreRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/persistentStoreRuntimes

    This resource's persistentStoreRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=requestClassRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/requestClassRuntimes

    This resource's requestClassRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=search uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/search

    This resource's search resource.

  • rel=serverChannelRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/serverChannelRuntimes

    This resource's serverChannelRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=serverLogRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/serverLogRuntime

    This resource's serverLogRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=serverSecurityRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/serverSecurityRuntime

    This resource's serverSecurityRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=singleSignOnServicesRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/singleSignOnServicesRuntime

    This resource's singleSignOnServicesRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=threadPoolRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/threadPoolRuntime

    This resource's threadPoolRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=timerRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/timerRuntime

    This resource's timerRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=webServerRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/webServerRuntimes

    This resource's webServerRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=workManagerRuntimes uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/workManagerRuntimes

    This resource's workManagerRuntimes collection resource.

  • rel=wseeClusterFrontEndRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/wseeClusterFrontEndRuntime

    This resource's wseeClusterFrontEndRuntime singleton resource.

  • rel=wseeWsrmRuntime uri=/management/weblogic/{version}/serverRuntime/wseeWsrmRuntime

    This resource's wseeWsrmRuntime singleton resource.

Body ()
Root Schema : Server Runtime
Type: object
Show Source
  • Read Only: true

    The time when the server was started.

  • Read Only: true

    Indicates whether the administration port is enabled on the server

  • Read Only: true

    The URL that the server and its clients use for administrative connections.

    If no administration channel is enabled, then this method returns the URL for connections through the default channel. If the default channel is de-activated, this method returns the URL for a secure channel. If no secure channel is enabled, the method returns null.

    The returned URL will be consistent with dynamic channel updates.


    • unharvestable
  • Read Only: true

    Indicates whether the server is an Administration Server.

  • Read Only: true

    The address on which the Administration Server is listening for connections. For example, this might return the string: santiago

  • Read Only: true

    The port on which the Administration Server is listening for connections.

  • Read Only: true

    Indicates whether the port that the server uses for administrative traffic is configured to use a secure protocol.

  • Read Only: true

    The absolute path of the directory from which the server was started.

    This may be used in conjunction with other relative paths in ServerMBean to compute full paths.

  • Return the machine on which the server is running. This will be different from the configuration if the server gets migrated automatically.

  • Read Only: true

    The URL that clients use to connect to this server's default network channel.

    The returned value indicates the default protocol, listen address and listen port:


    Note: The default protocol, listen address and listen port are persisted in the domain's config.xml file, however when a server instance is started, command-line options can override these persisted values. This getDefaultURL method returns the URL values that are currently being used, not necessarily the values that are specified in config.xml

    The returned URL will be consistent with dynamic channel updates.


    • unharvestable
  • Health State

    Represents the health of the services that are in a WebLogic server domain. Selected subsystems within each WebLogic Server instance monitor their health status based on criteria specific to the subsystem.

  • Read Only: true

    Returns true if sitconfig is applied.

  • Read Only: true

    Indicates whether the default listen port is enabled on the server.

  • Read Only: true

    The Oracle Middleware installation directory.

  • Read Only: true

    The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.


    • unharvestable
  • Read Only: true

    The current number of sockets registered for socket muxing on this server.

  • Health State

    Represents the health of the services that are in a WebLogic server domain. Selected subsystems within each WebLogic Server instance monitor their health status based on criteria specific to the subsystem.

  • Items
    Title: Items
    Read Only: true

    Returns information about installed patches on the server as an array of Strings. Each element of the array describes a patch, which is of the form:



    • unharvestable
  • Read Only: true

    Indicates whether the server must be restarted in order to activate configuration changes.

  • Read Only: true

    Get the classpath for this server including domain/lib contents that are automatically picked up and appended to the classpath.

  • Read Only: true

    Indicates whether the default SSL listen port is enabled on the server

  • Read Only: true

    The current life cycle state of this server.

    For example, a server can be in a RUNNING state in which it can receive and process requests or in an ADMIN state in which it can receive only administrative requests.

  • Read Only: true

    Returns current state of the server as in integer. has more information about the available server states

  • Read Only: true

    Returns the type of the MBean.


    • unharvestable
  • Read Only: true

    The directory where the WebLogic Server instance (server) is installed, without the trailing "/server".

  • Read Only: true

    The version of this WebLogic Server instance (server).


    • unharvestable
Nested Schema : Health State
Type: object

Represents the health of the services that are in a WebLogic server domain. Selected subsystems within each WebLogic Server instance monitor their health status based on criteria specific to the subsystem.

Show Source
  • This property indicates the partition name for which the health state is reported.

  • This property indicates the reported state as:

    • OK - Service is healthy.

    • WARN - Service could have problems in the future

    • CRITICAL - Something must be done now to prevent service failure

    • FAILED - Service has failed and must be restarted

    • OVERLOADED - Service is functioning normally but there is too much work in it

    • UNKNOWN - Service state cannot be determined

  • This property indicates the service for which the health state is reported.

  • Items
    Title: Items

    This property indicates the cause of the reported state.

Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
Read Only: true

Returns information about installed patches on the server as an array of Strings. Each element of the array describes a patch, which is of the form:



  • unharvestable
Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items

This property indicates the cause of the reported state.

Show Source
  • Symptom

    Represents an observation reported by a service with its health state. A symptom can be used to determine the reason for the current health state of a WebLogic server.

Nested Schema : Symptom
Type: object

Represents an observation reported by a service with its health state. A symptom can be used to determine the reason for the current health state of a WebLogic server.

Show Source
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View this server runtime.

This example uses the GET method to view this server runtime.

Example Request
curl -v \
--user admin:admin123 \
-H X-Requested-By:MyClient \
-H Accept:application/json \
-X GET http://localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/serverRuntime?fields=name,openSocketsCurrentCount,overallHealthState,administrationURL&links=self
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Response Body:
    "links": [{
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "http:\//localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/serverRuntime"
    "overallHealthState": {
        "state": "ok",
        "subsystemName": null,
        "partitionName": null,
        "symptoms": []
    "openSocketsCurrentCount": 1,
    "administrationURL": "t3:\//localhost:7001",
    "name": "AdminServer"
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