Access a Virtual Machine via SSH

After an offer is provisioned, you can access a virtual machine via SSH using the credentials that you had defined in the Credentials blade during offer creation.


Depending on the security rules in your Azure subscription, you may need to expose port 22, or whitelist the IP from which you are initiating the SSH connection. For more information, refer to the Azure documentation.

To access a virtual machine via SSH:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal using the following URL:
  2. Click the hamburger button at the top left corner of the portal.
  3. Click Resource groups.
  4. In the Filter by name field, enter the resource group name that you specified in Basics blade during deployment. Find and click on the desired resource group. Depending on the offer, you will see different quantities and varieties of resources in the resource group.
  5. Click on the desired resource with type Virtual machine. To easily locate the resource, sort the rows by type by clicking the Type column header.
    When you select the resource, the details pane for that virtual machine is displayed. It contains useful metrics of the health and status of the virtual machine.
  6. On the Virtual machine details pane, click on the clipboard icon next to the value of the DNS name field. This copies the hostname to the clipboard.
  7. SSH into the virtual machine host using an SSH client of your choice and the credentials you specified for the admin account of the virtual machine. For example:
    [weblogic@WebLogicServerVM ~]$ pwd
    [weblogic@WebLogicServerVM ~]$

    Some of the directories are accessible only to the root user. To switch to the root user, use the sudo command as shown in the following example:

    [weblogic@WebLogicServerVM wls]$ sudo su -
    We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
    Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
        #1) Respect the privacy of others.
        #2) Think before you type.
        #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
    [sudo] password for weblogic:
    [root@WebLogicServerVM ~]#