Description of the illustration admin_security_tab.gif

This image shows the Security page of WebCenter Portal Administration. It includes two tabs: Roles and Users and Groups. The Roles tab is shown. There is a Save button at the top of the page. Next to the buttons is a help icon. On the Roles tab, there is a Roles drop-down menu (for selecting an application role and viewing its associated permissions) and there is a Create Role button, followed by a table with two columns: Permissions and the selected role. The Permissions column includes a row for each permission, grouped by area—Portal Server (which includes Manage All, Manage Configuration, View, and Deploy), Portals (which includes Manage Security and Configuration, Manage Configuration, Manage Membership, and Create Portals), Portal Templates (which includes Manage All and Create Portal Templates), Pages (which includes Create, Edit, and Delete Pages; Delete Pages; Edit Pages; Customize Pages; View Pages; and Create Pages), and so on. In the Roles columns there are check boxes that show which permissions are included in each role.