57 Managing All Portal Templates
To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must have the default permissions of the Application Specialist
role, or the Portal Templates: Manage All
permission. Note that the Portal Creator
role does not have this permission by default. Users with this permission can manage all portal templates in WebCenter Portal on the Portal Templates page in WebCenter Portal administration. Create, rename, set access to, delete, publish, hide, and import or export portal templates.
With the default permissions of the Authenticated-User
role, or the application-level Portal Templates: Create Portal Templates
permission, users can create, rename, set access to, and delete their own portal templates on the Portal Templates page in either the Home portal or WebCenter Portal administration. This permission does not allow users to import, export, or publish portal templates. See Working with Portal Templates.
About Managing Portal Templates
When creating a portal, users can base it on the built-in portal template, their own custom portal template, or a published portal template created by others. Portal templates provide a consistent look and feel and an efficient way to get started creating a portal that is configured as required by an organization. For more information, see About Portal Templates.
Use the Portal Templates page in WebCenter Portal administration to manage every portal template in WebCenter Portal. With the default permissions of the Application Specialist
role, or the Portal Templates: Manage All
permission, you can create, rename, set access to, delete, publish, hide, and import or export portal templates.
Users with the Portal Templates: Create Portal Templates
permission can create, rename, set access to, and delete their own portal templates on the Portal Templates page in either the Home portal or WebCenter Portal administration. This permission does not allow users to import, export, or publish portal templates.
Viewing All Portal Templates
On the Portal Templates page in WebCenter Portal administration, you can quickly see who created each portal template, and the date on which it was created.
To see a list of every portal template in WebCenter Portal, together with their description, creator, and other useful information:
Creating a New Portal Template
You cannot modify the built-in portal template, but any user with Portal Templates: Create Portal Templates
permission can create new portal templates for use by all users to create portals. This permission is granted to the Authenticated User
role by default.
To create a new portal template, you start by creating a portal based on an existing template, and customize it according to your requirements. Then, you can create a new portal template based on the customized portal that you have developed. During the creation of a portal template, you can select to inherit the documents, lists, member information, roles, or pages from the source portal. The security settings, including Advanced Permissions (if applicable), for the source portal are also copied by the template.
Application Specialist
role (or any user with Portal Templates: Manage All
permission) can publish any portal template for others to use; otherwise, it remains private and hidden from others.
The Portal Creator
role does not have default permissions to create or manage portal templates.
To create a portal template:
Importing and Exporting Portal Templates
This section describes how to import and export portal templates:
System administrators can also import and export portals and portal templates using WLST commands. To find out more about these WLST commands and how to migrate the back-end data associated with portals, see Deploying Portals, Templates, Assets, and Extensions in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.
Importing Portal Templates
With the default permissions of the Application Specialist
role, or the Portal Templates: Manage All
permission, you can import portal templates from a portal archive (.par
file) into WebCenter Portal.
On import, all portal templates included in the archive are re-created. If a portal template exists, then it is deleted and replaced. If a portal template does not exist, then it is created.
Newly imported portal templates are not immediately available for general use. You must publish the imported templates to make them available to everyone.
See Publishing or Hiding a Portal Template.
Portal templates that use document services (files, folders, wikis, blogs) automatically own a content folder on WebCenter Portal's back-end content repository. The content folder is included in the portal template archive in a .zip
file located at: transport.mar\oracle\webcenter\lifecycle\importexport\data\oracle-webcenter-doclib\docsexport.zip
Portal template archives do not include web content/pages referenced by the portal template that is stored outside the template's content folder, for example, information displayed through Content Presenter that is not stored in the template's content folder. Similarly, template archives do not include shared assets. You must migrate all dependent content to the target so it is accessible to the imported template. If you do not move all dependent content to the target server it will be missing when you import the portal template.
An option to exclude the content folder is available using the importWebCenterPortals
WLST command, described in Importing Portal Templates from an Archive Using WLST in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.
To import one or more portal templates from a .par
Exporting Portal Templates
With the default permissions of the Application Specialist
role, or the Portal Templates: Manage All
permission, you can export portal templates from WebCenter Portal to a portal archive (.par
file) and deploy them on another portal server. Built-in templates cannot be exported.
While export and import utilities are primarily used to move information between WebCenter Portal instances, the portal template export feature is also useful as a backup service, and for sharing and exchanging templates with others.
Portal templates can contain pages, documents, lists, and security information such as custom roles and member details.
When you export a portal template, all this information is packaged in a portal data file (.pdr
). The PDR file contains a metadata archive (.mar
file) and a single XML file containing security policy information for the template. The export process packages up one or more template .pdr
files to an archive that you can save to your local file system or to a remote server file system.
As template data is included in the portal template archive, you do not need to manually migrate any template data to the target server.
Templates that use document tools (files, folders, wikis, blogs) automatically own a content folder on WebCenter Portal’s back-end content repository. When you use WebCenter Portal to export portal templates, the content stored in this folder is automatically included in the portal template archive (.pdr
) for easy deployment to another target server. The folder is added to a .zip file located at: transport.mar\oracle\webcenter\lifecycle\importexport\data\oracle-webcenter-doclib\docsexport.zip
Portal template archives do not include web content or pages referenced by the portal template that is stored at any other location, for example, information displayed through Content Presenter that is not stored in the portal template's content folder. Only the folder assigned to the portal template on WebCenter Portal's back-end content repository is included with the portal template archive.
You can save export archives to your local file system or to a remote server file system.
To export one or more portals templates from WebCenter Portal:
The export archive (.par
) is saved to the specified location.
Viewing Information About a Portal Template
The Portal Creator
role does not have default permissions to view or manage portal templates.
To view information about a portal template:
Searching for a Portal Template
Global search does not search portal assets, such as portal templates, page templates, resource catalogs, and so on. The Filter field on the Portal Templates page is useful for searching for portal template names or descriptions when your application includes a large number of portal templates.
The Portal Creator
role does not have default permissions to view or search for portal templates.
To search for a portal template by a string in the Name or Description:
Setting Up Access to a Portal Template
You can grant specific users and groups read-only or manage access to a portal template that you have permissions to manage.
To set up access to a portal template:
Publishing or Hiding a Portal Template
When you create a portal template, it is private by default. This means that only you as the template creator can see the template on your personal Portal Templates page in the Home portal. To make the template available to users, you must publish it.
To publish or hide a portal template, you need the default permissions of the Application Specialist
role, or the Portal Templates: Manage All
permission. Note that the Portal Creator
role does not have this permission by default. Users with the Portal Templates: Create Portal Templates
permission can create, rename, set access to, and delete their own portal templates, but cannot publish a template.
To publish or hide portal templates:
Deleting a Portal Template
Deleting a portal template does not affect the portals that were created using the portal template.
The built-in portal template cannot be deleted. However, users with the default permissions of the Application Specialist
role, or the Portal Templates: Manage All
permission, can hide the built-in portal template from everyone's view .
Deleting a portal template does not affect the portals that were created using the portal template.
To delete a portal template when it is no longer required: