Edit Resource Catalog

Use the Design tab of the Edit Resource Catalog page to define the structure and content of the current resource catalog. The resources that you include in the resource catalog determine what users can include in their pages and page templates. More

Element Description

Add icon Add

Click to select one of the following:

  • Folder to add a folder to group similar resources together. More

  • Component to open the Edit Resource Catalog Item page, where you can you can create a custom component and specify the XML code for the component. More

  • Add From Library to open the Add Resource Catalog Item dialog, where you can choose a resource to add to the resource catalog, and optionally provide a name for the new resource. More

Edit icon Edit

Click to open the Edit Resource Catalog Item page, where you can edit the properties of the selected resource.

Copy icon Copy

Click to make a copy of a selected resource directly below it in the resource hierarchy. You can drag the copy to a new target location, and alter its attributes and parameters as desired.

Delete icon Delete

Click to delete a selected resource.

Outdent icon Outdent

Indent icon Indent

Click to indent or outdent the selected item in the resource catalog.

Move Up icon Move Up

Move Down icon Move Down

Click to move the selected item up or down in the resource catalog.


Save your changes without closing the Edit Resource Catalogs page.

Save and Close

Save your changes and return to the Resource Catalogs assets page.

Related Topics

"Working with Resource Catalogs" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal