Export Portal Templates Pane

Use the Export Portal Templates pane to export one or more portal templates to a portal archive (.par file). Use this facility to back up or share templates between WebCenter Portal installations, and stage or production environments. Out-of-the-box templates cannot be exported. More

Element Description

Portal Template Name

Lists the portal templates selected for export.

Click Delete icon to remove a template.

Portal Archive

Optionally, enter a new name for the archive (the file extension must be.par).

The default file name contains a random number to ensure uniqueness: webcenter_number.par


Click to export the selected portal templates. Portal templates archives can contain pages, documents, discussions, lists, and security information such as custom roles and member details.

After the export is complete, you can download the archive to your local machine or save the archive to a server location. More

Related Topics

"Exporting Portal Templates" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Importing Portal Templates" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal