General Preferences

Use the General preferences page to configure your personal view of WebCenter Portal. Set your preferred language, date and time formats, time zone, and other application-wide preferences.

Element Description


Select a language/localization setting for the WebCenter Portal user interface (UI).

Language covers translations of UI text, and locale covers usage preferences for a particular locale where that language is spoken. Such localizations include whether text is right- or left-justified, the format for monetary values, and other such locale-specific nuances. More

Time Format

Select a display default for time information in WebCenter Portal.

This setting controls the format for showing time for the services that receive time data from WebCenter Portal preferences. (Some services provide their own time format defaults.) More

Date Format

Select a default format for date information in WebCenter Portal.

This setting controls format for showing dates for the services that receive date data from WebCenter Portal preferences. (Some services provide their own date format defaults.) More

Time Zone

Select a time zone default.

This setting helps to determine the time to show for time-stamped objects, such as uploaded and modified documents. More

Accessibility Settings

Select an option to optimize the application user interface (UI) for use with a screen reader, to enable support of high-contrast colors, and to enable support for large fonts.

Choose from:

  • I use a screen reader—Specifically for the visually impaired, enables the use of screen reader software.

  • I use high contrast colors—Makes the WebCenter Portal UI compatible with operating systems and browsers with high-contrast features enabled. For example, in high-contrast mode, WebCenter Portal changes its use of background images and CSS styles to prevent the loss of visual information.

    Note: High-contrast mode is more beneficial if used in conjunction with your browser or operating system's high-contrast mode. Also, some users may find that high-contrast mode works well with large-font mode.

    The color contrast of disabled actions—which are gray—against a white screen may be difficult to discern for some users. Because disabled actions are not selectable, this issue does not affect the use of WebCenter Portal.

  • I use large fonts—Provides browser-zoom-friendly content. In default mode, most text and many containers have a fixed font size to provide a consistent and defined look. In large-font mode, text and containers are more scalable. This allows WebCenter Portal to be compatible with browsers that are set to larger font sizes and to work with browser-zoom capabilities.

    Note: If you are not using large-font or browser-zoom capabilities, you should disable this setting. Also, some users may find that large-font mode works well with high-contrast mode.

If you want to set options on Preferences pages, enable the screen reader option, click OK to exit the Preferences dialog, then re-open the Preferences dialog. The options on Preferences pages are redrawn as radio buttons, enabling the screen reader to detect and access them.


Application Skin

Select a skin to apply to your view of WebCenter Portal.

A skin change can affect current background colors and images, font colors and styles, icon images, and button shapes. More

Related Topics

"Setting Your Personal Preferences" in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal