Import Portal Templates Pane

Use the Import Portal Templates pane to import one or more portal templates from a portal archive (.par file). If a portal template already exists, then it is deleted and replaced. If a portal template does not exist, then it is created. More

Newly imported portal templates are not immediately available for general use. You must publish the imported templates to make them available to everyone. How?

Element Description

Look On My Computer

Select if the .par file is located on your local file system, then enter the file system location.

Alternatively, click Browse to locate the directory on the local file system where the .par file is stored.

Look On WebCenter Portal Server

Select if the .par file is located on a server, and then enter the path, including the archive file name. For example, /tmp/MyPortalTemplateExport.par. This can be any shared location accessible from WebCenter Portal.

Browse Archive

Click to review the portal templates in the archive before import.


Click to start the import process. Any content in the portal template archive will be included in the import.

If you try to import a portal template that already exists, you must confirm whether you want to continue. To delete existing portal templates and replace them with imported versions, click Yes. Click No to cancel the import process.

Related Topics

"Importing Portal Templates" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Exporting Portal Templates" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal