Resource Catalog

Resource catalogs are portal assets that expose components and connections that you can select to populate pages, page templates, page styles, and task flows. The items listed in a resource catalog are collectively referred to as resources. More

The resource catalog that is available to you as you edit a page, page template, page style, or task flow is established by the portal administration settings, and may be a built-in or a custom resource catalog. More


When you add a component, you must wait for the application status indicator to finish processing before you perform the next action.

Element Description

Up icon Top iconCurrent Folder icon

Click to navigate in the folder hierarchy. Click the down arrow to see the list of folders into which you have drilled down. Choose a folder name to navigate back to that folder, or choose Top to return to the top-most level of the resource catalog.

Refresh icon Refresh

Click to refresh the resource catalog content.


Enter a full or partial search string then click The Search icon. to refresh the list with all the resources for which a match is found.

If you are not sure of the complete name of a resource, you can enter just the first few characters from the name. You can append a wild card character (*) to this string, but the search will be successful even without it.

resource folders

A resource catalog is organized into folders and subfolders to categorize resources. Click a folder to expand the resource category, then select the component that you want to add.

Related Topics

"About Resource Catalogs" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal

"Editing a Portal Page" in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal