Retrieve Pages of a Portal



Returns information about the pages of a portal in a list wrapper


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

403 Response

Invalid utoken supplied

404 Response

Invalid portal short id supplied
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Use this endpoint to retrieve details about the pages available in a portal page.

To retrieve information about the available pages in a portal submit a GET request on the REST resource.. In the request, you must specify the Portal Id for which you want to retrieve the pages. You can use the query parameters to filter your results. Use the following format to submit a GET request using cURL.

curl -i -X GET 
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


  • hostname:port is the name of the host and the IP port where Oracle WebCenter Portal is running. For example,

  • utoken is the API token for accessing the portal APIs. For example, utoken=utoken=abcdIC05zgjZoqCF8ShWL42AhTVvq-fc8uFshnw%2A%2A. For more information, see Authentication.

  • {portalId} is the short id of the portal. To retrieve short id of a portal, see Retrieve Portals.

HTTP Status Code


Example of Response Body

In this example, you can view the available pages of a portal. The contents of the response body is in JSON format.

     "resourceType": "urn:oracle:webcenter:portal:pages",
    "startIndex": 0,
    "itemsPerPage": 10,
    "items": [
            "links": [
                    "rel": "self",
                    "resourceType": "urn:oracle:webcenter:portal:page",
                    "capabilities": "urn:oracle:webcenter:read urn:oracle:webcenter:update urn:oracle:webcenter:delete urn:oracle:webcenter:create",
            "resourceType": "urn:oracle:webcenter:portal:page",
            "pageStyle": "/oracle/webcenter/siteresources/scopedMD/s8bba98ff_4cbb_40b8_beee_296c916a23ed/pageStyle/gde592de01/TemplateBlank.jspx",
            "locked": false,
            "overridePolicy": true,
            "permissionClass": "",
            "publishedVersion": 16,
            "publishedBy": "admin",
            "publishedDate": "2015-09-04T00:26:43.145Z",
            "pageStyleBean": {
                "links": [
                        "rel": "alternate",
                        "resourceType": "urn:oracle:webcenter:portal:pagestyle",
                        "capabilities": "urn:oracle:webcenter:read urn:oracle:webcenter:delete"
                "resourceType": "urn:oracle:webcenter:portal:pagestyle",
                "namespace": "pageStyle",
                "portalName": "DefaultGroupSpace",
                "name": "Blank"
            "fileName": "Pagecb866a54_5d7e_41ac_8f02_1e26cb7b6da8.jspx",
            "pagePath": "/oracle/webcenter/page/scopedMD/s79a6da0c_bfdd_4aaf_898f_a53dd0a229dc/Pagecb866a54_5d7e_41ac_8f02_1e26cb7b6da8.jspx",
            "sourcePath": "/oracle/webcenter/siteresources/scopedMD/296c916a23ed/pageStyle/gsr1b60e8a7/TemplateBlank.jspx",
            "pageDefinitionPath": "/pageDefs/oracle/webcenter/page/scopedMD/4aaf_898f_/Pagecb866a54_8PageDef.xml",
            "pageViewType": "JSPX",
            "namespace": "root/children/servicerequests/page",
            "modifier": "admin",
            "modified": "2018-07-26T02:38:43.868Z",
            "creator": "admin",
            "currentVersionId": "956a4568-fa3c-4780-8158-39d798cb5454",
            "created": "2015-04-03T10:27:53.864Z",
            "securityId": ",scopeID=s79a6da0c_bfdd_4aaf_898f_a53dd0a229dc,resourceID=/oracle/webcenter/page/scopedMD/41ac_8f02_1e26cb7b6da8.jspx",
            "shortId": "Alk",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "id": "1e26cb7b6da8",
            "name": "Service Requests"
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