60 Clearing Workflow Assignments

People go on vacation, get reassigned to new work groups, and move on to different jobs. What should happen to their workflow assignments in these situations? One option for handling work assignments that cannot be finished by the original assignee is to delegate the assignments to someone else. However, even with the delegate feature, the administrator can still clear assignments from some user's assignment list.

To clear assignments for a user:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Workflow node, and then double-click Clear Assignments.

    The Search for Assignments form opens.

  2. Enter a user name and click Show Assignments.

    The Clear Assignments form opens, showing a list of assets that are currently assigned to that user.

  3. Select the Clear check box next to each assignment to clear.
  4. Optional: In the Clear assignment comment field, enter a brief explanation of the reason for which you are clearing the selected assignments. The explanation you enter in this field opens in the Action Taken field in the Workflow History section of the asset's Status form.
  5. Do either of the following:
    • If you want the asset to be removed from workflow if it is not assigned to anyone else, select Yes.

    • If you want the asset to remain on the assignment list of any other user who is also assigned the asset, select No.

  6. Click Clear Assignments.

    The Clear Assignments Report summarizing your changes opens.