38 Creating a RealTime Destination Definition on the Source System

In this step, you will define the publishing destination to the source system:


While you can define multiple destinations, bear in mind that only sequential publishing is supported.

  1. On the source system, log in to the administrator's interface.
  2. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin tree, expand the Publishing node, and expand the Destinations node.
  3. Under the Destinations node, double-click Add New.

    The Add New Destination form opens.

  4. Fill in the Add New Destination form. For guidelines, use the information below.
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the destination.


      The following characters are not allowed in the Name field: single quote ('), double quote ("), semicolon (;), colon (:), less-than sign (<), greater-than sign (>), percent (%), and question mark (?). Additionally, the name cannot end with a backslash (\).

    • Delivery Type: Select RealTime: Copy assets to remote dynamic server, then choose an option:

      • Complete publish to copy assets to the destination address without interruption to the publishing process.

      • Delayed publish to pause the publishing process before assets are committed to the destination database. To resume the session, a user must initiate the fourth stage of publishing (deserializing [inflating] data and saving it to the destination database). More information on delayed publishing can be found in Resuming a Delayed Publishing Session in in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.

    • Destination Address: Enter the URL in the format shown. For [targetserver:port], delete the brackets, enter the host name or IP address of the destination system, and specify the port to be used by the destination. (A slash is required after the URL because this URL is appended dynamically.)

    • Remote User: Enter the name of the RealTime user that you created in Setting Up the Destination System in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites. This user is called by the publishing system to unpack the RealTime queue on the destination system.

    • Remote Password: Enter the password of the RealTime user.

    • Send Email on Failure: If publishing fails and email notices to that effect are required, select the check box and fill in the field that opens:

      • EmailIDs: Enter the recipient's email address. (This field is available only when Send Email on Failure is selected.)

    • Verbose Output: Select this option to activate detailed error logging during the publishing process. When this option is selected, messages in addition to error messages are written to the PubMessage table. Because additional information lengthens the publishing process, select this parameter only for troubleshooting.

    • More Arguments: This parameter is reserved; no additional arguments can be specified at this time.

    • Sites: Select the sites whose assets can be approved for and published to this destination.

    • Roles (Approve for Publish): Select the roles to which you are assigning asset approval privileges. All users assigned these roles are able to approve assets.

    • Roles (Publish): Select the roles to which you are assigning publish privileges. All users assigned these roles are able to publish and view the Publish Console.

  5. Click Add New Destination.

    WebCenter Sites writes your information to the Pubdestination table and displays the destination definition in the Inspect form:


    A red button next to the destination name means that the target server cannot be located. Common causes are the target URL is incorrect or the target server is not running.

  6. To create more destination definitions, repeat steps 3 through 5 for each new definition.
  7. When you are ready to initialize the destination system, proceed to “Initializing the Destination Database” in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites. Begin at step 3 of that procedure.