8 How do I assign ratings to an asset?

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You can assign ratings to individual flex assets or to flex parents. However, you should use parents to assign ratings, for the following reasons:

  • To easily manage the ratings for multiple assets, those assets should reside in groups. In fact, you should create flex parents whose sole purpose is to assign ratings to child assets. You can make all of the assets that have identical rating conditions children of the same parent. Then, you can modify the ratings for all the child assets by making a single change.

  • Comparing the ratings for one group of assets to the ratings of another group is easier than comparing the ratings of individual assets.

  • Ratings are calculated more quickly because fewer assets with individual ratings exist; this speeds up system performance.

To assign ratings to an asset:

  1. From the Contributor interface, select the site containing the asset to which you want to assign ratings.

  2. Find the flex asset or flex parent you want to assign ratings to and open its Edit view:

    1. In the Search field, enter your search criteria (if any).

    2. To narrow your search down to a specific type of asset, in the Search field, click the down-arrow to render the Search Type drop-down box, then select the asset type to which you want to limit your search.

    3. Click the magnifying glass button.

    4. In the search results list, right-click the asset and select Edit.

  3. In the asset's Edit view, select the Marketing section and navigate to the Ratings field.

    This field lists all the segments that have been created for this site.

  4. Using a range of 0 through 100 (100 is the highest value), rate this asset for the segments in the list:

    • Enter a value in a segment's In Segment column to rate the asset for members of this segment.

    • Enter a value in a segment's Out of Segment column to rate the asset for visitors who are not members of this segment.

    • Enter a value in the no segment ratings apply field to assign an intrinsic rating to the asset; this rating is used when no segments are defined or the asset is assigned to a recommendation that does not recognize segments (List mode Static Lists recommendation).

  5. Save the asset, by clicking the Save icon, or selecting Content from the menu bar, then Save.