14 How do I create an asset in Web View?

To create an asset in Web View:

  1. From the Contributor interface, select the site in which you want to create the asset.
  2. In the menu bar, select Content, select New, then select the type of asset you want to create.
  3. In the Select Layout field of the Create Asset dialog, select the layout you want to assign to the asset.

    The layout you select determines how the asset's Create view opens in Web View.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the asset. Keep in mind the following:
    • The name must contain alphanumeric characters. The maximum character limit in the Name field is 64 bytes. Characters that exceed 64 bytes get truncated and a message stating this is displayed.

    • The following characters are not allowed: single quote (;), double quote ("), semicolon (;), colon (:), question mark (?), percent sign (%), less-than sign (<), greater-than sign (>), and backslash (\).

    • The name can contain spaces, but cannot start with a space.

  5. Click Continue.


    If the administrator configured the asset type such that all new assets of that type are placed into workflow upon creation, the Choose Assignees dialog opens.

    Select at least one user for each required role and click Set Assignees. Any of these users can complete the next step in the workflow process.

    A new tab opens displaying the asset's Create view in Web View.

  6. Point to the different areas of the asset's Create view to determine which areas accept content.

    Areas that support drag and drop functionality and other content management actions become highlighted when you point to them.

  7. Click the highlighted areas to determine the type of content each area supports. The types of editable areas you see and how those areas are displayed in the asset's web page view are determined by how your developers have coded the asset's web page layout (template).
  8. Populate the asset's Create view.
  9. If the web page layout (template) assigned to the asset you are creating is not coded to display certain fields in Web View, (for example, Date and Locale fields), then those fields are only available in Form View. To populate these fields, you must switch to Form View.
  10. To save the asset, do one of the following:
    • In the asset's toolbar, click the Save icon.

    • In the menu bar, select Content, then select Save.

    WebCenter Sites saves the asset to the database, unless:

    • You have left out one or more required fields.

    • An entry or selection you have made in one or more of the fields is not permitted.

    If either of the above is true, WebCenter Sites displays an error message indicating the offending fields. Correct the errors and save the asset.

  11. Inspect the asset. Do one of the following:
    • In the asset's toolbar, click the Inspect icon.

    • In the menu bar, select Edit, then select Inspect.

    The tab displays the asset's Inspect view in Web View. You cannot modify the asset's content when the asset opens in the Inspect view.

  12. If the asset is not preassigned to a workflow and you want to use the workflow feature, you can assign the asset to a workflow process.
  13. To preview the asset, click the Preview icon in the asset's toolbar.
    The tab displays the preview of the asset.

    To make additional changes to the asset, do the following:

    • In the asset's toolbar, click the Go Back icon.

      The tab displays the Inspect view of the asset.

    • In the asset's toolbar, click the Edit icon.

      The tab displays the Edit view of the asset.

  14. When you are finished working with the asset, save and close it. In the menu bar, select Content, then select Save & Close.

    WebCenter Sites saves the asset and closes the tab displaying the asset.