16 How do I create Sites segments?

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When you select Sites in the Subtype drop-down field, the Filtering Criteria form opens. The categories of visitor attributes and history definitions you can use to build your segment are listed in the drop-down list, and also in the mega-menu, which you open by clicking the mega menu icon.

Note that filtering on text strings is case-sensitive, unless explicitly set not to be so.

Do one of the following:

  • To create a segment based on buyer contact information, see Create Segment Filtering Criteria with Visitor Attributes in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  • To create a segment based on the user profile, see Create Segment Filtering Criteria with Visitor Attributes in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  • To create a segment based on buyer history, see Create Segment Filtering Criteria with History Definitions in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  • To create a segment based on a history definition, see Create Segment Filtering Criteria with History Definitions in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  • To create a segment based on the shopping cart, see Define the Segment with Shopping Cart Criteria in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.