3 Quick Tour of the Contributor Interface

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A quick tour of the Oracle WebCenter Sites: Contributor interface will take you 15 minutes.

For information about exploring the Contributor interface, see these sections:

  • About this Quick Tour

  • Prerequisites for the Quick Tour

  • How do I use the Contributor Interface?

  • How do I switch to a different site?

About This Quick Tour

This quick tour is for new WebCenter Sites users who want to familiarize themselves with WebCenter Sites and its Contributor interface. In this quick tour, you will be using the default demo user (password: demo) to access each interface. Logging in to WebCenter Sites as the demo user grants you access to the Contributor interface and all the content management functions to which a user might have permissions.


In reality, access to the Contributor interfaces is focused on certain tasks such as creating or editing content.

To follow along with this quick tour, you can either perform the steps provided in each section in the order in which the topics are presented or you can navigate directly to the task you are interested in learning about.

Prerequisites for the Quick Tour

To follow along with the procedures in this quick tour, the avisports and FirstSite II sample sites must be installed with your WebCenter Sites system. If no sample sites are installed, contact your WebCenter Sites administrator.

For more information, see “What Sample Sites Are Used in This Guide” in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.

The final procedure in this Quick Tour is to approve and publish the page. You will be able to publish the page manually only if an administrator has configured a publishing event for the destination to which you approve the assets.

For more information, see “Approve and Publish the Page” in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.

How do I use the Contributor Interface?

To orient yourself in the Contributor interface take a quick tour of these topics in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites:

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Contributor Interface

  • Organize Your Dashboard

  • Explore the Trees in the Navigation Pane

  • Create an Asset

  • Switch Between Web View and Form View

  • Preview the Asset

  • Find and Open an Asset

  • Edit the Asset in Web View

  • Edit the Asset in Form View

  • Work With the Asseti in the Context of a Mobile Device

  • Create a Page Asset and Associate Your Quick Tour Asset With It

  • Include the Page in a Site Navigation

  • Approve and Publish the Page

How do I switch to a different site?

Now that you have finished touring the Contributor interface, switch to a different site to which you have permissions.

  • If the applications bar is not open, click the down-arrow, located on the right of the menu bar, to open it.

  • In the Site list, select the site you want to access.

WebCenter Sites logs you in to the selected site. If this is the first time you are accessing the site, you must select the application with which you want to work. Otherwise, the application with which you last worked while logged into this site opens.