66 Viewing Connector History

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All connector sessions are archived. You can view the entire archive, or selected batches (one by one). You can also drill down to individual content items for detailed information about their processing. Archived information can be deleted.

This topic contains the following sections:

  • Viewing the Entire Connector History

  • Viewing Connector History for a Single Batch

Viewing the Entire Connector History

To view connector history for all batches:

  1. From the Connector Admin tab, select History to open the Connector History table.

  2. The Connector History table displays the following information and options:

    • Each row of the Connector History table represents a batch. By default, the connector processes content items in batches, up to 50 items per batch.

    • Click the Inspect this item icon (magnifying glass) to view connector history for the selected batch. For more information, see the section “Viewing Connector History for a Single Batch”.

    • The Timestamp column shows the date and time of batch processing.

    • The Launched By column lists whether batch processing was launched manually (from the Connector Console) by the named user, or launched automatically (AUTO) by the connector schedule in the SystemEvents table. For information about connector scheduling, see “Scheduling the Connector “ in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.

    • The State column lists the batch processing state. Possible values are Submitted, Running, Cancelled, Error, Reset, or Finished. Click Refresh to view the updated state.

    • The Batch size column lists the number of items in the batch. By default, the maximum is 50 items per batch. For information about changing maximum batch size, see “Working With WCC Connector Configuration Files” in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.

    • The Updated column lists the number of items that are updated in WebCenter Sites during batch processing. The number includes assets that are created, updated, or deleted.

    • The No Rule column lists the number of items that did not match any rule.

    • The Error column lists the number of processing errors for this batch.

    • Select the All option and then click Delete to delete all activity listings.

    • Select a batch (a row) and click Delete to delete that batch.

  3. To view connector history for a single batch, select the batch. The Connector History table lists all items that were processed in the batch.

Viewing Connector History for a Single Batch

To view connector history for a single batch:

  1. From the Connector Admin tab, select History to open the Connector History table.

  2. Locate the batch (a row), and click its Inspect icon (magnifying glass).

    The Connector History table lists all items that were processed in the selected batch.

  3. The Connector History table for a single batch displays the following information and options:

    • Each row represents a single item in the batch.

    • The Content ID column lists Content ID for each item in the batch.

    • The Asset ID column lists Asset ID for each item in the batch.

    • The Status column lists the synchronization status for each item in the batch. Common status flags are Added, Error, Updated, Not Matched (no rule matched), Not Present (asset not found), and Deleted (asset was deleted).

    • The Remark column provides additional information for each item in the batch. Toggle its Show Details icon (plus sign) or Hide Details icon (minus sign). For an example and descriptions of commonly returned messages, skip to step 4.

    • Click the Back button to go back to the previous table (which displays the history for all batches).

  4. Some common messages are listed here:

    • No valid rule found: Indicates that either no rules are defined, or the defined rules are invalid.

    • No record found: Indicates that no record could be found in the database table, meaning that there are no entries for the particular table being viewed.

    • Delete QueueToken {0}: Value {0} is the token ID. This message indicates that the item from WebCenter Content is marked for removal from WebCenter Sites.

    • Asset {0} deleted from site {1}: Value {0} is the assetType_assetID. Value {1} is the site name. This message confirms deletion of the listed asset from the specified content management site.

    • Asset deleted: Confirms asset deletion.

    • Asset not found: Typically, this message means that an attempt was made to locate an item to delete, but the item has been deleted.

    • Asset created: {0:1} to sites: {2}: Value {0:1} is the asset type and asset ID. Value {2} is the site name or a comma-separated list of site names. This message indicates that the listed asset was created in the listed site or sites.

    • Asset updated: {0:1} to sites: {2}: Value {0:1} is the asset type and asset ID. Value {2} is the site name or a comma-separated list of site names. This message indicates that the listed asset was updated in the listed site or sites.

    • Asset {0} delete failed from site {1} because: {2}: Value {0} is the asset ID. Value {1} is the site name. Value {2} is a message as to why the deletion failed. Typically, a deletion fails because the asset was modified since the last synchronization session and now has references to it. If deletion fails, the item is listed in the Orphaned Content form (see “Managing Synchronized Assets” in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites for more information).

    • Checkin QueueToken {0}: Value {0} is the token ID. This message indicates a queue token check-in request, that is, a new or updated item is ready to be imported into WebCenter Sites from WebCenter Content.

    • Rule matched {0}, Wcc request: {1}: Value {0} is the rule name. Value {1} is the WebCenter Content rendition or conversion that was requested in the attribute mapping section of the rule.

    • No rule matched: Indicates that no rule matched the item (compare with No valid rule found).

    • Rule matched {0}, but mappings not found : Value {0} is the rule name. This message indicates that a rule matched the item being imported from WebCenter Content, but no mappings of metadata to attributes were found.

    • Rendition {0} was not returned: Value {0} is the rendition name. This message indicates that WebCenter Content did not return the requested rendition (often due to the rendition not being available). Compare with Available Renditions and Requested Renditions not available.

    • Available Renditions: {0}: Value {0} is a list of the available renditions for the item on WebCenter Content.

    • Requested Renditions not available: Indicates that the requested rendition is not available. See Available Renditions for a list of available renditions.

    • Error on field {0}, fieldDef: {1}:{2}: Values {0} and {1} are the attribute name (the values are identical). Value {2} is the error message for the exception. This message is returned when an unknown or unexpected exception occurs while the connector is mapping a content item metadata field to an attribute.

  5. Before automating synchronization to run routinely, verify the imported content to ensure it is stored in the intended asset types and with the expected level of detail. Continue to “Verifying Imported Content” in Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.