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Creates an event that triggers a registered application logic.



Name to register the event under. Do not use special characters in event name, such as "{", "*", or "&".

The name of the servlet that is called when the event is triggered.

Time at which the event will be triggered. Use the format:


For each of these fields, it is valid to use an asterisk (all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. A value can be one or more numbers separated by a minus sign indicating an inclusive range. For example:

means the event is triggered at 2 a.m., 5 a.m., 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. every Monday.

Specify days by two fields: day of the month (DD) and day of the week (W). If both are specified, both take effect. For example, 1:0:0 1/15/* means the event is triggered at 1 a.m. every Monday, as well as on the fifteenth of each month. To specify days by only one field, set the other field to *.

A list of name/value pairs that are passed to the servlet. May be null.


The AppEvent method creates an event that triggers a registered application logic.


Boolean value indicating success or failure.

Error Numbers

Use GetErrno to view the error.

Possible values of errno include:

Failed to register event.
Exception in event. (May appear as -200.)



This example registers an event that will invoke the Sites application logic. The event will be triggered every day at 1:10 p.m. and invoke Sites to process the pagename API/Main. Note that the single parameter to this application logic is passed in the FTValList.

See Also

DeployJSPFile , DestroyEvent , EmailEvent , EnableEvent , SendMail


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