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This method is invoked as a result of the CALLJAVA or a custom tag.



Input parameter. List of name/value pairs that appear as ARGUMENT tags in the CALLJAVA tag, or as attributes set in the custom tag.

Output parameter. List of name/value pairs that will appear as variables in the XML element upon return from the CALLJAVA tag. This is ignored when the method is called via a custom tag.


When an XML element calls the CALLJAVA tag or calls a custom tag, Sites invokes the Seed.Execute method. The way this method behaves depends on whether it was triggered by CALLJAVA or by a custom tag.

Invoking the Seed Interface with CALLJAVA

When the Seed interface is invoked directly with CALLJAVA:

Invoking the Seed Interface with a Custom Tag

When the Seed interface is invoked with a custom tag:


A string that will be inserted into the output stream at the position of the CALLJAVA tag. Null or empty strings are valid. If invoked via a custom tag, this string will be appended to any other output that may be streamed back by calls to Sites servlets, for example, by StreamEvalBytes ().


The following example illustrates the use of Seed called from a custom tag:


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