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Deprecated as of Content Server version 7.6



DATE (required)
The Java SQL date to convert.

NAME (required)
The name of the variable to store the converted date string.

Constant value representing the character set the index uses.

For the AltaVista search engine this value may be 0, 1, or 2 (ISO_LATIN1, ASCII8, UTF8). If you do not specify CHARACTERSET, Sites uses the value of av.charset from the Sites properties file.

Because Java Strings are transformed to UTF8, as they pass through the JNI interface to AltaVista, the 0 value only works for 7-bit ASCII. For all other cases, use the value for UTF8.

For the Verity search engine, this value specifies the name of the subdirectory of the common directory where the locale is defined. If you do not specify CHARACTERSET, Sites uses the value of verity.charset in the Sites properties file.

Name of the search engine to use. If SEARCHENGINE is not specified, Sites uses the value of cs.searchengine from the Sites properties file.


The SEARCHDATENATIVE tag converts the Java SQL formatted date to the date format native to the search engine. Use in the WHAT parameter of a SEARCH tag. Dates in queries must be in a format that the search engine can parse.

It is important that the input to this tag (the DATE parameter) be a valid Java SQL date. Sites does not detect certain errors in the date format.

The Verity search engine handles most date formats, including the Java SQL format. If you are using Verity, you do not need to call SEARCHDATENATIVE.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

Cannot load search engine.

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