Description of the illustration figure_8.png

This diagram shows Developer A's WebCenter Sites instance on the left as a table containing his Template A asset with a local ID of 12345 and Developer B's Template B asset which has been assigned a new local ID of 22342. Below the table representing Developer A's WebCenter Sites instance is the Main Developer Tools workspace for his WebCenter Sites instance. Developer B's WebCenter Sites instance is on the right, represented by a table containing Developer A's Template A asset which has been assigned a new local ID of 52563, and Developer B's Template B asset with a local ID value of 12345. Below the table representing Developer B's WebCenter Sites instance is the Main Developer Tools workspace for his WebCenter Sites instance. Developer A and Developer B copy their templates to a VCS (version control system) which is displayed at the bottom of the diagram. The VCS allows the developers to copy each other's templates to their own WebCenter Sites instance. A detailed explanation of this diagram can be found in the text above this figure.