32 Configure the Map for Shared CSElement

The purpose of mapping is to enable site replication and sharing of CSElement assets. The concepts behind mapping are identical to those for Template assets. They are explained in Template Sharing and Site Replication.


Skip this section if you are designing a non-replicable site or a CSElement asset that is not shared.

Using the Map form, you will:

  • Map each key in the render:lookup tag of the element logic to the value that must be used in the element logic.

  • Map each key's value to the asset information that must be used in the element logic: asset, asset type, attribute name, or template name.

When the CSElement asset is saved, the map is written to the CSElement_Map table.

In the Map form, enter fields in the CSElement Map Form.

  1. The Key field represents the value that the element logic will look up. In this field, enter the key that is named in a render:lookup tag of the element logic.
  2. The Type field identifies the type of asset information to be accessed. Select one of the following options:
    • Template Name: Maps a template name to the key value (which you will specify in the Value field, in the next step). The information that will be accessed is a template name that matches the value you will specify in the next step.

    • Asset Type: Maps an asset type to the key value. The information that will be accessed is an asset type, equal to the value that you will specify in the next step.

    • Asset (Type:Name): Maps an attribute type:name to the key value. The information that will be accessed is an asset whose type and name match the value that you will specify in the next step.

    • Asset (Type:ID): Maps an attribute type:ID to the key value. The information that will be accessed is an asset whose type and name match the value that you will specify in the next step.

  3. In the Value field, enter a value for the key. This value will be looked up by the element logic when the CSElement asset is invoked.
  4. In the siteid field, select the name of the site to which the mapping applies.
  5. To add a key, click Add Another and repeat the steps in this section.